
Pros And Cons Of Black Friday And Cyber Friday

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A/B Testing and Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales
Black Friday and Cyber Monday the roller-coaster of sale madness is coming up fast and you want to “put your best store forward”. So, you might be thinking about how you can the turbulence of Black Friday and Cyber Monday whilst by taking advantage of the increased influx of traffic to your site in an effective way.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday is one of the heaviest traffic weeks of the year “Should we A/B test on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?” is a question all have. So here is the list of some pros and cons of testing during Black Friday and Cyber Monday to make more out of your existing traffic.
As Black Friday and Cyber Monday is the busiest shopping days of the year, A/B testing is the …show more content…

3: Wait for testing while conducting qualitative analysis
If A/B testing is out of the question for you this holiday season, then use this time to learn about your customer behavior through different approaches. Prioritize on acquiring as many qualitative insights as possible.
Analyze and try to understand your customers’ behaviors and why they shop from you. Plan a way of working with the customer support team that enables real-time feedback. Perform focus group and usability tests. Focus groups will help you to know your customers' behavior and feedback about your brand, your product, and your service, while usability tests will reveal how customers are using your website.
With the recurrence of holiday big ‘deal’ sales such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you can at least plan your optimization efforts in advance of the holiday influx in traffic. It’s important to understand the traffic mix at these holiday sales of the year and when running your analysis, make sure you either account or exclude for the changes in response that affect your ongoing testing

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