
Proton Pump Inhibitor Research Paper

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including the common “heartburn” and acid regurgitation, as well as the not so common chest pain (unrelated to the heart), chronic cough, hoarseness, and throat irritation. It is more familiarly known as GERD and is one of the most common chronic and rapidly growing diseases of today; yet, the underlying cause is still unclear. There seem to be many different theories on what causes GERD, but the most common treatment is the Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI). My mother has taken different PPIs for over a decade now to help control her GERD symptoms, but why? PPI’s are drugs that act on the proton (gastric) pump to inhibit secretions that would naturally lower the pH of stomach …show more content…

The hiatus hernia can be attributed to obesity and an excess of adipose tissue that can create pressure in the esophagogastric region, redirecting the digestive tract. A sac like distention can be formed from the hiatus hernia that holds gastric acid. The acid trapped above the sphincter that would be ordinarily closed to keep gastric acid contained inside the stomach travels back up the esophagus much easier in combination with damage to the diaphragm resulting in acid reflux. Damaging the diaphragm leads to an additional set of problems, primarily affecting the respiratory system; but back to the digestive system. Acid pocket is another term referring to the sac created by the hiatus hernia holding stomach acid. Studies reported that the acid reflux was worse after meals, which makes sense because the body is functioning to digest the food with the acidic digestive enzymes. The size of the acid pocket was reduced in GERD patients using proton pump inhibitors. But with the same use of PPIs especially after prolonged use the digestive system can completely change its ability to breakdown food properly causing a new set of

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