
Quality Circles in Management

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INTRODUCTION: Ensuring quality is a big challenge among companies especially the start-ups.
One way to achieve quality standards is to motivate employees to focus more on quality as it improves profit ,improves quality and saves time, Thus companies came up with the concept that Participative methods in the workplace are one way to improve both the work environment for employees and productivity and quality for the company .This has lead to the evolution of the concept quality circles. .Introduction of quality circles helped the companies to solve many of the problems and improved quality and profit. Many companies are trying to introduce quality circles within their companies. Quality Circle is …show more content…

The employees should be provided with enough support from the management to form a group of people to form a quality circle who often meets and discuss with the problems in the organisation and the solution to it. There should also be some leaders from different circles who form a higher level of quality circle which can be formed into a council foe expertise problem solving within the employees of the ground level....

WORKING PROCEDURE: The working procedure of quality circle in any of the organisation is as following Voluntary groups of employees ranging from 3-12 people make a quality circle. There will be different quality circles and each circle will be dealing with a specific kind of problem. The members of one circle work on similar tasks or share an area of responsibility by concentrating on certain specific issues and solving them .Employees of certain department would form their own circle where they try to find solution for the problems affecting their departments .The members of the Quality Circle set the rules and

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