
RAP No. 1: Four Levels Of Conflicts

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Running head: RAP No. 1 1 RAP No. 1 Deidre Camper University Of Baltimore RAP No. 1 2 RAP No. 1 The theories and strategies discussed in the readings support my findings from my negotiations. The type of conflict in both of the negotiations would be classified as interpersonal. According to Lewicki & Barry (2011), there are four levels of conflict: Intrapersonal (within an individual), Interpersonal (between individuals), Intragroup (within a group) and Intergroup (between groups) (p. 18). Often in negotiation there is a win-lose mindset. This approach is known as distributive bargaining. (Lewicki & Barry, 2011) Rather than use this approach, it is preferable to use integrative negotiation. This way strives to find solutions that satisfy both parties. (Lewicki & Barry, 2011) This was the goal during my salary negotiations. …show more content…

According to Lewicki & Barry (2011), this model proposes that individuals in conflict have two levels of related concerns: a level of concern for their own outcomes, and a level of concern for the other’s outcomes (p. 92). There are five styles used to categorize interactions: competing (high concern for self, low concern for others); collaborating (high concern for self and for others); compromising (moderate concern for self and for others); accommodating (low concern for self and high concern for others); and avoiding (low concern for self and for others). (Sorenson, Morse & Savage, 1999, p.26) I assumed that my negotiations would all result in the employer taking a competitive style and the employer more collaborative. As I will explain later, this was not the

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