Two techniques were used in collecting participants for the sample of the study. The first technique involved getting the approval of a Citrus Professor and administering surveys to students in their class after the lecture was completed. Before dispensing the surveys, students were instructed by the researchers to thoroughly, read over the consent form. In addition to this technique, researchers approach random students on campus and ask if they will be willing to take a short survey. The students then were briefly told about the purpose of the study, which was to see if there was a correlation between relationship satisfaction and academic performance, and then asked to read and give consent before participating.
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Asking questions about the participant’s age, gender, and ethical background, in addition to that, questions about the student’s current academic performance were asked, such as “What is your current overall GPA? “Have you been, or are you currently on the Dean’s list?” “ Have you ever been on academic probation while at Citrus?” “How many courses are you currently taking?” and “How many years have you been at Citrus College?” These questions were formulated to gauge the student’s current academic performance, which would later be used to see if there was a correlation between their academic performance and satisfaction levels. In the closing of section one, of the survey, participants were asked about their current relationship status, options included: single, committed relationship, married, or divorced. Depending on the answer to this question, participants were prompted to take either Part A, which was for subjects in a committed relationship and married or Part B for those who are currently single and divorced. In Part A1 (For Relationships/Married) of the survey, participants were given 10 questions, such as “ I still feel a strong connection with my partner” and “I have a warm and comfortable relationship with my partner”, from The Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI). They were asked to respond to these questions using 5-point Liker scale (1 = not true at all to 5 = completely true). In order to determine the level of satisfaction in the relationship, the
The third resource that I used is from the Office of Justice Programs/Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). A specific article titled “Intimate Partner Violence in the United States” shows a graph of intimate partner violence rates declining from 1993 to 2006. The article is quite vague, with no real description or stats stating whether or not men commit more violence against women than women do against men. “Violence between intimates is difficult to measure because it often occurs in private, and victims are often reluctant to report incidents to anyone because of shame or fear of reprisal” (S. Catalano).
This article analyzed the positive experiences of twelve individuals who had visible differences (Egan et al 2011, p. 739). This study discovered four main elements that helped people to interpret their related experiences in a positive way. Generally, it can be seen that the authors applied interpretive social science (Neuman 2006, p. 87) to produce this study to capture participants’ experiences and feelings. There are some advantages that can be yielded by utilizing this perspective. Firstly, the authors were able to understand individuals’ different social lives. The complex social factors can be extracted to interpret participants’ feelings and emotions from their personal experiences. It was
Our survey was created using the Qualtrics survey system. Participants needed access to a smart phone or computer with internet access to complete the survey. We gave the participants paragraphs about either a sociology major named James or Jane, or an engineering major named James or Jane. The conditions, which paragraph the student read, were randomly assigned to them but the questions were identical and in the same order for every participant. After reading the paragraph they were asked to rate how much they agreed with statements about the student. A 5 point Likert scale was used, where 1 was strongly disagree and 5 was strongly agree. The statements given to the participants were if the student had good work ethic, was naturally smart, and was going to continue their education post-graduation. There was
Consent was obtained and the questionnaire completed as part of participation in the CFP psychology class. Data collected consisted of gender designation and the 10 item questionnaire responses The instructions at the top of the questionnaire indicated each participant to choose which letter(s) best represent their feelings in terms of how strongly they agreed or disagreed with each statement. Participants were to not consult with others and work fairly quickly. The questionaries should have taken a maximum of five minutes to complete as participants were asked to choose the first answer that comes to mind.
Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of a set of demographic questions and series of questionnaires on SurveyMonkey, an online survey software and questionnaire tool. Demographic section comprised of general questions regarding participant’s age, gender, living situation, family unit description, relationship status and the duration
Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow a process system that involved defining a principle of research.
I have been hired to conduct a research project for university here in Washington DC. I will be meeting with my University clients to explain the research strategy that I will be developing. This strategy is critical for the success of the research project; I will help my client understand what research strategy is and how to prepare a report that addresses the following topics. First I will discuss how research topics are selected. I will then discuss the importance of the purpose statement and explain how research questions and hypothesis are developed. I will then discuss the null and alternative hypothesis and how they support the research effort. I will also discuss how research effort will be measured and
The Likert Scale and Questionnaire Type Survey that will be used to assess the participants’ cultural, socioeconomic status, cultural and
Research is the systematic investigation of the study of materials in order to establish facts, and help get to new conclusions. There are four types of research used to help with answering many questions in science. The four types are causal comparative, descriptive, experimental, and correlational researches. Causal comparative researches look for the cause of some type of effect. Descriptive researches look for a common characteristic within a similar population and determine how various characteristics affect behavior or achievement. Experimental research seeks for the effect of certain factors, also to find the independent variable and dependent variable of the experiment. Correlational research seeks for the relationships between variables in an effort to determine relationship between them.
The study for this thesis will be exploratory research using secondary data collected by the communication agency, MESH Planning. The agency developed an innovative approach called ‘real-time experience tracking’, which involves three stages of data collection. And both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and used in this context in order to get an insight of critical incidents.
Compare and contrast the types of research methods used in scholarly studies on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic. Synthesize your findings and propose a best-fit method for your dissertation research. Within the context of such a study, identify and analyze the issues associated with each of the following: ethics, sampling, validity, reliability, and bias.
A Critical Evaluate the effectiveness of Multicultural Diverse of Work Force in retail industry; a case study on Tesco, Plc
Research methods (RM) are a critical concept in the research process. It requires that the researchers be cognizant of how data will be analyze, assess, and applied in a study. Moreover, the strength of statistical, internal, construct and external validity are grounded in RM. The framing of good research questions aid in the selection of the proper design for a study, which leads to the adoption of the preeminent methodology for data collection. Hence, research methods include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods and are derived from a distinct philosophical worldview. Therefore, section one of this paper analyzes two articles via a quantitative strategy. Section two employs this same strategy as it relates to constructs of
In doing the research, the methodology must be appropriate so that the analysis findings could reach the objective. Research methodology proposed one procedure in order way to be follow to answer all the questions in the research that want to be made. Quoted by Denzin and Lincoln (1994), methodology is a process that related with research objective and data. In the others word, it is early research planning that include the research scope, data collection method, data collection process and data analysis method. For Ranjit (2005), methodology is one of crucial part in research, in order to ensure the research can be done in the systematic way Overall, this chapter will discuss on the research frame and the methodologies used in order to meet the research objectives. Research process been divided into three main parts there are preliminary research part, data collection and last one data analysis.
Research can be conducted and collected in many different ways. Two examples of ways research can be collected could be through longitudinal studies or cross-sectional studies. There are also two types of experiments that affect how research is conducted. The two types of experiments would include naturalistic observations and laboratory observations. When it comes to longitudinal studies they are based on studying individuals over long periods of time. Generally these individuals will be studied for several years in order to observe change and behavior throughout a person’s lifespan. For example, if researchers are studying individuals’ in order to understand the concept about life satisfaction, they will watch these people as they