
Research Methods

Decent Essays

Methodology 1. Introduction This chapter will first talk about survey in general, and then will present a brief discussion of the methods that supposed to be used in this research to investigate general English language teachers’ conceptions and beliefs about CLT implementation in some Libyan universities. as well as explore what might be the issues that hinder such teachers from applying CLT in their classes. Additionally, this chapter will present a theoretical background of the questionnaire and interview methods. This will be followed by presenting the stages of data collection, as well as the data analysis procedures. As it will also present an overview of an ethical consideration. 2. Research Methods Research method is usually split …show more content…

This method can provide a prospect for discussion, explanation, amplification and the validation of data (Jang et al. 2008). Therefore, the purpose of this method is to achieve full and well understanding of the target issues (Dornyei 2007). However, according to Bryman (2008), it may be argued that combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches perhaps would not be useful according to the variation of their epistemological assumptions. Despite this weakness, this approach can be very useful and beneficial for exploring and investigating teachers’ beliefs on the implantation of CLT in Libyan universities. This mixed method generated adequate information for responding to the research questions. In Gass and Machey’s (2007) view, mingling both quantitative and qualitative approaches in one single study through two stages could be possible. They recommend that after the organisation of the questionnaire (quantitative), the researcher can utilise follow-up semi-structured interviews (qualitative) to gather deep information and better understanding for specific issue. The implementation of CLT in this research may possibly be understood better through utilising ‘written or verbal’ questions; this is because it might lead teachers to reflect critically on their perspectives

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