preview Organizational Analysis

Good Essays Organizational Analysis Introduction (NYSE:CRM) is the global leader of cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications and platforms, and operates in over 70 nations. Salesforce ended its latest fiscal quarter on April 30, 2013, attaining $892M in revenues and earning -$67.7M in Net Income (Salesforce Investor Relations, 2013). The company is also highly recognized for successfully integrating a wide variety of social media application feeds into their enterprise-class CRM systems, creating an entirely new category of customer relationship platforms called Social CRM or SCRM (Salesforce Investor Relations, 2013). All applications and platforms are delivered over the Internet using cloud computing technology at the foundational level with applications often configured using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). This has provided with several significant competitive advantages against on-premise enterprise software vendors including a completely different pricing model where customers only pay for the segment of the applications they use. customers often pay for their application sue out of the operating expense (OPEX) budgets, which individual line-of-business managers often have direct control over. This flexibility in spending options, along with speed of implementation, has earned global market share leadership as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Worldwide CRM Software

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