
Sports Marketing And Social Media Analysis

Decent Essays

Fans and spectators at sporting events are welcomed to arenas, stadiums, and fields with themed events, promotional opportunities on social media like geo tags or social media shout out for fans, promoting player digital question and answer session, and email marketing material with coupons or event dates before and after games. Even though these events and materials are great ways to promote the organization, its players, and partnerships, these events are not an individual task to execute successfully for enjoying events. What the fans and spectators do not witness is the hard work and dedication that goes on to put on these events. Furthermore, planning and executing marketing and promotional campaigns is not a singular task. In actuality, …show more content…

However, without risks there will not be an opportunity to grow creatively in marketing and promotions to steadily grow our fan base. Therefore, through “sharing information, and creating honest, open, and trustful exchange” (Zhou, et al, 2014, p. 1269) with clear and helpful communication about ideas not as an individual, but as a new hiree entering a team, these risky innovations can be successful. Working in sport marketing, especially when entering a new job where the environment involves collaborative work, the first important objective is building relationships with your team members/ co-workers. For instance, when I start my new job, like my dream job with the Braves, building relationships creates loyalty and trust, which is important when working with departments such as finance and other staff in marketing to create events that are within the organizations budget, but will be a success with bringing revenue to the organization from digital partnerships through ads, contest sponsorships, as well as expenses for website maintenance, emailing marketing consultants, and other marketing expenses. Building solid relationships within one’s work environment helps to make working …show more content…

When starting in a new environment (i.e. Atlanta Braves) where many of their staff are established and well known in the office there is a barrier that an individual has eliminate to start the development of trust. However, for new, entry-level employees like myself, we must build rapport and trust with everyone, not just in one particular office (marketing), but with everyone that an individual (I, myself) will come into contact with. Even after building relationships and having open conversations with new co-workers, the component of trust has to be proven. Some of the ways to bring trust to the work environment is by taking some simple steps. Some of the steps to build trust are: keeping promises to co-workers when asked to collaborate on projects, help solve marketing and promotion problem when a co-worker ask for help, and being able to adapt to any situations within the office that might arise. By displaying these traits, it will help increase one’s reputation as a loyal

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