
Steve Jobs ' Leadership Style Before Reading The Article

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How would I have described Steve Jobs’ Leadership style before reading the article?
I have to say that I did not know much about Steve Jobs before I read the article; however, I do know that when he had an idea he took it and he developed it to its full potential. He 's been hailed as a genius and the greatest CEO of his generation. I have heard that he was a high-maintenance supervisor who demanded excellence from his staff and was known for his blunt delivery of criticism. He was a very talented individual, a skilled motivator, a decisive judge, and a gifted strategist. Steve Jobs created a company that became known worldwide. He made digital devices more elegant and easier to use. He made a lot of money for Apple Inc. after people told …show more content…

He could be cruel and brutal in meetings. The article stated that he was a maniacal micromanager. () He did not care what anyone thought of him. He seemed to be a hard person to work for, but he also seemed like he got better at helping people share his high ideals for whatever Apple made. “If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, and challenge the status quo as much.” () Jobs believed passion was a vital part of success. Since work fills a large portion of people’s lives, he urged everyone to do what they were passionate about, because the only way to be truly satisfied, is to do excellent work, and the only way to do excellent work is to love what you do
Would Steve Jobs’ leadership approach work for others?
His management style did not seem to have followed any of the rules of management, but I do not believe anyone can argue that Steve Jobs’ unconventional leadership combined with his sheer genius and innate ability to articulate his vision didn’t attribute to Apple’s worldwide success. While the unconventional leader might not follow the rules of How to Be a Great Leader, I think we can all learn a thing or two from his leadership.
• Foster Greatness
• Follow Your Passion
• Stay True to Your Vision
• Take Risks
• Have a Purpose
I think that a lot of people look at Jobs and think being

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