
Summary: Customer Service At Datatronics

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Customer Service at Datatronics
Pradeep Kumar Kothandapani saravanan IST 7100
Wilmington University

Table of contents

Specific information to build a customer service……………………………………………..4
Top ideas for matt to present to Joel…………………………………………………………..5

Introduction E-ZRP is an successful company in leading the customer service as well as customer stratification. There are seven members in E-ZRP group in that Matt was the development manager. Matt plays an vital role in E-ZRP company and he is the one who give commands and guidelines to the group members. …show more content…

The customers, when they are talking with the newly appointed trainees always ended up with frustration and there is no stratification. By analyzing and observing the issues and service, Matt came to know that the company is not giving 100 percent commitment to the customers. After identifying the mistake, Matt gave some ideas to Joel McGivern, the CIO of Datatronics. Joel also agreed with the matt ideas and also he has planned to take matt ideas in to the steering committee for additional funding, (Smith, 2013). Specific Information to build a better customer service
1. Recent survey found that only 34 percent of customer service companies use latest technology for customer service management. On the other hand 66 percent of companies using notebooks, papers, and useless notes. In order to succeed, we must have proper tool to execute it. So, matt has to collect information about Datatronics CRM and he has to find out whether the staffs are using CRM properly.
2. Matt has to collect information about “How much efforts does a customer have to produce to do business with the company?”. Because the way of communication should be easy and understandable. Otherwise, he has to look for some other way to communicate

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