Hi Everyone, Base on Hajjoubi Hamid's review, I choose "HANGOVERS" by Jennifer Pashley. He did a great job reviewing this story, and I mostly agree with him on it. However, there was one part of his review I wanted to check by myself, "Using some illustrations, the author was able to describe the physical and emotional state of people that are under hangover. As per the author, the hangover state can last for years in certain cases" (Hamid, 2017). The specific part that caught my eye on Hamid's quote was the last sentence "As per the author, the hangover state can last for years in certain cases" (Hamid, 2017). For me what the author was trying to say, is that the consequences of the actions someone's takes during a hangover can last for
Chapter 3 "Critical Thinking and Argument" of Andrea A. Lunsford's book Easy Writer, covers how to critically understand and make an educated argument. Lunsford first explains how to critically read and analyze the meaning or purpose of a text. Lunsford gives the reader a method to do this which includes previewing the text, taking notes, writing a summary of the text and the making an analysis of the work. Next Lunsford explains how to identify different types of appeals in a texts argument. These appeals include emotional, ethical and logical appeals. Emotional appeals center around personal values and human emotions. Ethical appeals deal with personal morals and the goodwill of humans. Logical appeals are based solely on facts and research.
The book crank by Ellen Hopkins is about a young girl named Kristina who turns to drugs she becomes most addicted to crystle meth or the mosnter is what it is referrred to in the book through out the journy of kristinas addiction in the book she gose threw alot of struggles like being home less and having unhealthy relationships with bad giuys who will provide her with a lot of crank.
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Mia Hamm was born on march 17 ,1972.
In the book tears of a tiger the main character Andy went out with his friends after they had just won their basketball game. They were drinking and driving and crashed into a wall that ended in their friend Roberto dying in the car. In the book Andy gets very depressed after the accident and has guilt because he was the one driving the car. It all started with Andy and his friends drinking which ruined their lives. This just goes to show how a couple of drinks and impact your enter future.
In the book Parallel Journeys, by Eleanor Ayer, World War II events are described through the experiences of two people during this time. Excerpts from both character’s own memoirs are included to get the perspective from their lives. Some events that took place throughout the book include the severe reality of the Holocaust and the effect of the Hitler Youth on young Germans. Parallel Journeys specifically portrays these events through the eyes of Helen Waterford, who was a Jewish girl, and Alfons Heck, a Hitler Youth member mesmerized by the power of Adolf Hitler.
Mia Hamm once said "I am building a fire and everyday I train, I add more fuel, and at just the right moment, I light the match" ("Mia Hamm Quotes"). Mia Hamm appeals to me because she is a really good soccer player. She inspires me to keep trying and that you can turn a dream into reality if you try your hardest. Mia Hamm can inspire any soccer player because all they need to learn about is her biography, her soccer career, and her major accomplishments.
Ursula K. Le Guin’s purpose in “The Wife’s Story” is to demonstrate that no one is as open with their secrets as you think they are. She expresses this through characterization and foreshadowing through the narrator’s eyes. By contrasting the husband being a “good husband” and one who “was nice with his family” with him acting unusual by “not wanting to talk about it” and turning into “the hateful one,” Le Guin illustrates the husband acting secretive and not as open as he used to be with his wife. The husband altering to a human represents his secretive behavior, whilst the husband being “purely good” and “a hard worker” represents his more open persona. Likewise, Guin writes in a format that allows the narrator to speak
In today’s society, alcohol has become one of the main necessities for people to create relaxation, confidence, and the ability to be social. In the short story “A Bartender Tells What Man Did to Booze, and Booze to Man”, an anonymous bartender gives an up close and personal account of his observations about the effects alcohol has on men. He emphasizes the change in their character after a few drinks. Koren Zailckas from Smashed shares a memoir of her life describing her relationship with alcohol abuse and the problems that it caused for her. Although certain types of alcohol are used to support good health, it is the excessive consumption and misuse that leaves people dependent resulting in significant social, physical, and mental
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” “We are all equal.” “ No one person is greater than another person.” “Treat others the way you would want to be treated” These are all sayings we have heard in our life, all of those quotes had one thing in common they are all about treating people fairly and not discriminating against other people.Not all human beings are alike matter of fact no human beings are like and I guess some people feel like just because other people aren’t like them they should be treated the way they would. In the texts “The Wife’s story “ by Ursula Leguinn , “I, Too” by Langston hughes , and “Towards a true refugee ” by Suu Kyi each of these stories were created by authors who showed us their viewpoints on tolerance. When
Example 11.12 (p. 428) studies hangover symptoms in college students (Slutske et al., 2003). The students answered questions about alcohol use and hangovers, including a count of how many out of a list of 13 possible hangover symptoms that they had experienced in the past year. For the 470 men, the mean number of symptoms was 5.3; for the 755
At the age of 18, he drinks five drinks a night to get drunk. By the time he is 20 this had moved up to 10 drinks a night to get drunk, with the occasion (self-labeled) binge. The fact that Augusten has said that his binges go well beyond the clinical definition of a binge. There is a strong argument that the clinical level of a binge (4 drinks for women, 5 for men) is too small for truly problematic drinking (Wechsler, 1998). By the time Augusten was 21, he was drinking a liter of Dewar’s along with cocktails. Overall, it is impossible to deny that as Augusten got older and his drinking habits progressed, he developed a very strong tolerance for alcohol.
drinks because he wants to forget the memories that he had during the games. Alcohol affects many parts of one's body including the brain. It mainly causes problems for the person's memory like in the movie "The Hangover" (2007). Alcohol affects the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. "Alcohol is a depreseant due to the fact that it slows the brain down. The sugar
This is a wonderful monograph by Melissa Archer with a comprehensive study of the theme of “worship in the Apocalypse”. It illustrates various aspects of worship and the role of worship in the Apocalypse. The language of the book and different approaches to the theme are appreciated, because those are simple and clear to understand the theme.
Ames, G.M.; Grube, J.W.; and Moore, R.S. The relationship of drinking and hangovers to workplace problems: An empirical study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 58(1):37-47, 1997.
Relaxation, celebrating, and socializing are often reasons people engage in alcohol. However, the enjoyment of alcohol in moderation may become difficult for some individuals to manage when using alcohol as coping mechanisms or scapegoat, for other underlining issues: personal, social and work-related concerns. Unfortunately, lack of proper management may or can result into alcoholism. According to the DSM-V alcoholism is diagnosed as alcohol use disorder or alcohol addiction, in which a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol to the point that he or she cannot function without it (American Psychiatric Association,2013).