
Syrian Civil War : The Arab Springs

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Comparable to past catastrophic events throughout world history, Syria’s civil war began as a chain of significant circumstances which lead to eventual turmoil. Although the Arab Springs, a series of uprisings against dictators in northern Africa and southwest Asia, was the primary basis for the Syrian civil war, climate change induced drought was undoubtedly the inception that provoked the Arab Spring in Syria. Water is essential to human life aiding in agriculture production and livestock care as well as basic human nourishment. Without this life supporting element, rural people flooded to the cities in droves seeking their basic human needs. Along with millions of rural Syrians, Iraq refugees were also flocking to the Syrian cities for comfort and aid. With overcrowded cities, minimal resources, few jobs, and an oppressive government, Syria was doomed for rebellion and civil war, especially considering rebellions in neighboring countries was so successful. Peaceful protests for basic human needs and equal rights were met with aggressive opposition by government militants, which fueled more protests and more deaths. Ultimately, the record drought of 2006-2011 eventually caused the Arab Spring which lead to the Syrian civil war.
The Land of Syria
Snug within the Fertile Crescent, Syria lies in the Middle East region within the southwest Asian realm and is encircled by Turkey to the north, Iraq to the southeast, and Jordan on the southern border, while Lebanon and the

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