
The Abu Nawas Beverage Company: A Short Story

Decent Essays

First, the best ideas for my sketch story were the stories on Elkader Central State Bank president Robert Hauber and returning active duty soldier Nick Engelhardt. Robert Hauber would be an interesting subject for a sketch story since he is a well-known face in the Elkader community and is involved in various organizations in the community. The organizations that Hauber belongs to include the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization focused on charity, and he acts as the treasurer for the community development organization, Main Street Elkader. The sketch would focus on his work with these organizations with quotes from members of these organizations regarding Hauber. The first source would be a fellow member of Main Street Elkader and …show more content…

The craft beer story is interesting because of how quickly the craft beer trend has caught on in the food service industry. The story would focus on how bars, restaurants, and grocery stores are adapting to the increased demand of craft beers. The first source for the story would be Frederique Boudouani who is the owner of Abu Nawas Beverage Company. The Abu Nawas Beverage Company is a craft beer wholesaler and sells beer from countries across the globe. The second source of the story would be the owner of Drew’s Sports Bar and Grille in Elkader, Andrew Armstrong. Armstrong would provide valuable information on how craft beer sells in small towns and insight into how bar owners decide what beverages to sell. The third source would be Zachary Ingles who works as a night manager at John’s Grocery in Iowa City. John’s Grocery has a wide selection of craft beer and Ingles regularly attends beer tasting events to help John’s decide which beer to stock. The fourth source would be an employee at an actual craft beer brewing company, Neil Blair. Blair would provide insight into how craft brewing companies operate and how the companies go about selling their

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