
The Case Of Mcdonald 's

Decent Essays

The case study for McDonald’s is quite intriguing. It made me realize that I as far as business success rates I was really out of touch. McDonald’s is huge in the restaurant industry, not only in the states but abroad. However, it is quite interesting that this mogul is not always taken well in new places. For example, in India the people are not particularly fund of the food and menu. Originally, the numbers were high until a protest group came out saying that McDonalds was using beef and pork in the food. The choice of beef and pork was unfavorable due to certain religions and this caused numbers to drop. Furthermore, it caused the customers to lose trust in the brand. A loss of custore trust can prove detrimental to a brand. The adverse publicity that was incurred caused the company’s number to drop significantly. In this same breath, the article disclosed that all new locations were not disappointed with the restaurant items. The company chose to put a location in China, which was a wise choice, because they now have over twenty-five locations in the country. Not only did China incorporate and embrace the organization, they are the home of one of the largest McDonald’s in the world. I think that McDonalds is using a smart strategy when it comes to being a major player in the globalization market. The strategic planning and marketing has proven to be quite lucrative for the company. The company is wise because they incorporate locate, home grown products in

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