
The Five Concepts From Resilient Leaders

Decent Essays

This paper combines the five concepts from Resilient Leaders that Group 4 has considered important: Vision, Character Counts: Integrity, Leader Will Have Tribulations, Leader and Crisis, Leader Self-Care. It discusses each topic and how they relate to Organizational Management and Leadership; and it also presents three scriptures that sum up the responsibilities of a leader. Vision Organizations are formed for a common purpose, a common goal. Vision is a clear focus on future endeavors, goals and objectives that propel the leader and the followers forward with expectation and perseverance. The vision is well embraced at an early stage in the process when the leader allows the team to discover and own it (Dees, 2013). Jack Welch, former chairman and CRO of General Electric said: “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion”. To be a resilient leader, one must focus on the present while working toward a future end goal. It is imperative for visionary leaders to brief the followers on the vision. The lack of vision will cause followers to sink into the lowest common denominators of lawlessness, discontent, and even self-destruction (Dees, 2015, p158). Having a vision allows a leader to strive to meet milestone checkpoints along the way. Thus, followers can gauge how the organization is performing and enjoy the satisfaction of working hard to meet an end result. Character Counts: Integrity

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