
The Human Resource Management Department Of The Company

Decent Essays

When it comes to developing a job analysis and job description of a company the human resource management department of the company has an impactful position to assess and develop the organization human capital needs. To have an effective job description, the human resource management of a company should conduct and effective job analysis, which is the systematic process of collecting information that identifies similarities and differences in the work (Book). A manufacturing plant that employs 5oo employs would need a Human Resource Management depart to effectively begin the process of determining the internal structure with job analysis and job description. There are many different departments, components, and functions of manufacturing plant of 5oo employees, a combination method of conventional job analysis and position analysis questionnaire, would gather the proper information to develop an effective and complete job analysis. Conventional job analysis uses company preexisting information, job holder and supervisor information to create and verify the manufacturing company job description. Position Analysis Questionnaire would serve as a great resource to gain actual knowledge of daily task and skills need to perform task for the company, this is because the questionnaire groups work information into seven basic categories: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, other job characteristics, and general

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