
The Importance of E-Commerce in Our Lives

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With rapid change of technology in social web, e-commerce is become one of important think in our life. E-commerce is the use of internet and the social web to do business, when focus on digitally enabled commercial transactions between among of firm and individuals involving information systems under the control of the firm it takes the form of e-business. Nowadays, e-commerce is gaining momentum and most of the things if not everything is getting digitally enabled. Therefore, it becomes very important to clearly draw the line between different types of commerce or business integrated with the 'e' factor. Based on the type of relationship between different sides of commerce, it can be categorized in different types.
2.1.1 B2B
Business-to-business is one type of business model that buyer sell product or service to buyer. Usually business to business describes ecommerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to consumer which type of business model that usually between retailers to customers.
The volume of business-to-business transactions is much higher than the volume of business-to consumer transactions. The mainly reason for this is that in a usual supply chain there will be many business-to-business transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one business-to consumer transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end

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