
The Relational Aspect Of Humans And Their Moral Standards Essay

Decent Essays

This emphasis on establishing standards for work is one that is encompassed in the Christian fundamental belief that humans “Relational Beings (Cafferky, 2012, p. 522).” In this belief, it is understood that humans are “motivated by moral standards (Cafferky, 2012, p. 522).” The relational aspect of humans and their moral standards are so integrated that they cannot be separated. This means that rather than expecting humans to submit to a domineering rationality, consideration must be taken for their personal thoughts and opinions. Human beings were created to be independent thinkers. Another managerial assumption that contradicts this relational aspect is that “Organizational Culture is the Set of Values That Drives Organizational Performance (Cafferky, 2012, p. 533).” This assumption is based on the belief that an organization is strong when its employees all share the same “norms and values (Cafferky, 2012, p. 533).” Although a broad look at this assumption seems positive because as it as it says in Mark 3:25, “A house divided against itself will fall”, this assumption can quickly turn into Groupthink. According to Cafferky, “Groupthink is a process in organizations in which individual members of a group strive for consensus within the group in a way that overrides the motivation to realistically appraise a situation and its alternatives (Cafferky, 2012, p. 150).” This can be detrimental because it can put pressure on group members to conform, which leads to a lack of

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