First thing we need to do is understand Diabetes, what it is and what the differences between the three types are, to better understand how diet is used as a disease control mechanism for each.
Most people, those that aren’t on diets where they are counting carbohydrates or calories or other specific nutrients for other health reasons, are thinking of what it is that they are putting into their body, but there are some diseases that people contract throughout their life time that change that. Diabetes is one of those diseases. Diabetes is a disease that is controlled through the use of various medications, exercise and most importantly diet. There are a few different reasons for this, but first there are several different important things
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The second type of diabetes is that of non-insulin dependent diabetes, or type two; type two is a disease that has a strong genetic component, but comes into play mostly when a middle to upper aged individual, that is over weight, and their body is unable to keep up with the demands of their body, they can’t meet the insulin demands that their body has; this type of diabetes is treated first and for most with diet and exercise, before a medicine regime becomes a regular part of treatment. The third and final type of diabetes is gestational diabetes, it is a type of diabetes that arises when a woman is pregnant and in the majority of cases resolves itself with the delivery of the baby, though in come cases is can turn into either type one or type two diabetes, but when considered gestation diabetes the treatment of choice is diet and exercise, like in type two …show more content…
Diets are the first course of treatment, because they do and will set up what kind of treatments are needed later on and how much or even how effective using medications are as a second course of treatment. Diet in diabetics, is the best way to control things, because the less carbohydrates that are in a diabetics body, the less work that they have to do, the less medications they have to take and the less complications that they will suffer later on down the road, from having to take medications long term to treat a
Diabetes can be treated in three basic ways: by diet, by diet in conjunction with tablets, or diet in conjunction with insulin. Diet serves as an initial control for non-urgent patients. If a person’s diet will have a major effect on glycaemic control, it does so reasonably quickly, within a few weeks of changing
Diabetes comes in multiple forms: type 1, or diabetes insipidus; type 2, or diabetes mellitus; or gestational, which occurs during pregnancy and may be either type 1 or type 2. Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the person has high blood glucose. (Blood glucose is also know was blood sugar.) When the person has high blood sugar it’s either because the insulin result is insufficient, or the body’s cells don’t respond to the insulin like it should, or both can happen. There are different types of diabetes. They are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 occurs when the body doesn’t produce insulin; type 2 is occurs when the body’s receptor cells no longer accept the insulin produced by the body’s pancreas. Gestational diabetes affects women that are pregnant. [What is Diabetes? (n.d.)]. There are symptoms of the different types of diabetes. The type 1 diabetes symptoms are increased thirst, increased hunger, dry mouth, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vison. The type 2 diabetes symptoms are slow-healing sores or cuts, itching of the skin, yeast infections, recent weight gain, numbness or tingling of the hands and feet, and impotence or erectile dysfunction. Gestational diabetes often doesn’t have symptoms, however if they do they are increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger, and blurred vison. Some of these symptoms are very similar to each other. [Diabetes Causes and Types: Pre-Diabetes, Types 1
Learning about diabetes is the first step to take to prevent the spread of this disease in the nation. There are two major types of diabetes. There is type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes. Type one diabetes, forms when the body immune system mistakenly identifies pancreatic cells of being a foreign body invader. This causes the immune system to attack and eliminate the pancreatic cells. As a result of this body malfunction, insulin production drastically drops or in worse possible scenario having no production of insulin. Insulin is a very important hormone that the body needs in order to be able to use glucose (sugar) for energy. Insulin also helps in managing blood sugar keep it from being too high or too low.The second and the
Diet is the most important part of diabetes management. Without a proper diet, the amount of drugs and insulin needed to control blood sugar levels may be inadequate. Diet control helps reduce high blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications like heart attacks and high blood pressure. It also helps achieve ideal body weight and reduces the problems associated with obesity.
In all of the aforementioned cases, diet is a huge factor in controlling the levels of glucose found in the blood. When dealing with Diabetes Mellitus it is important to
Type 2 diabetes are produced when someone doesn 't eat healthy or do as much exercise. Type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes, and LADA are polygenic. This means it takes many genes to cause or produce the disease. In addition, to produce or get Type 1 and 2, gestational and LADA you have to produce more genes which takes time to get the disease. There are two types of categories which include Maturity Onset Diabetes of the young (MODY) and Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus (NDM). MODY usually shows up during a person 's childhood or adolescence, but since the symptoms are mild many are not diagnosed till later. NDM occur from birth to 6 months, and half cases of NDM are temporary.(Joslin Communications. “How many types of diabetes are there). As a result, there are many different types of diabetes, again including type 1 and 2, gestational, LADA, MODY and NDM diabetes.
The three different types of diabetes are Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes are developed by patients 20 and under. It also means that patients with type 1 their pancreas has stopped functioning and will take insulin shots to maintain blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes is normally found in overweight people as they grow older. Type 2 is the more common among diabetes. Finally, gestational diabetes can appear in pregnant women in their second trimester. One thing about gestational diabetes unlike Type 1 and 2 it will disappear after the baby is born.
There are two types of diabetes. You become victim of Type 1 diabetes when your body does not produce insulin at all. One is having the problem of Type 2 diabetes when the body does not produce sufficient amount of insulin or it is not properly utilised by the cell to digest the sugar in the blood. Both types of blood sugar can be prevented or controlled with the changes in the life style and exercises. These changes including good habits can have a great positive effect and results.
But in some cases even when you are making the right choices with your diet and exercise medication is necessary to have the combination of the three. It doesn’t matter how it gets managed as long as it gets managed it will lower the chances of having long term effects for instance our extremities (feet and hands) are affected first. The heart is being over worked to the point that it starts to not pump the amount of blood through our body. So when you aren’t getting adequate blood flow to the extremities the risk for gangrene, kidney failure, and heart failure is significant. Our health is very important so getting a proper diagnosis early on before it gets to a severe point will determine which treatment is best for you. So if you experience any signs or symptoms of being diabetic whether it is excessive urination, sudden weight loss, thirsty more often, or even having cuts/bruises that take longer than normal to heal. Seek medical attention even if it turns out to be nothing, it is much better to be safe than sorry. Instead of waiting like my father did until he was hospitalized and near
The American Heritage Dictionary definition of diabetes is "a chronic disease of pancreatic origin, marked by insulin deficiency, excess sugar in the blood and urine, weakness, and emaciation." When you have diabetes, your body cannot use the food that you eat in the proper way. In a person without diabetes, when he or she eats, the food is broken down into blood glucose or blood sugar. After the food is in the form of glucose, the glucose is carried to all the cells of the body for energy. In order for the cells to receive the glucose, a hormone made in the islet or B-cells of the pancreas called insulin acts a receptor on the cell membrane to let the glucose enter inside the cells. In contrast, in people with diabetes, the body does not
The two major types of diabetes are the first caused by insulin insufficiency and the second type is caused by an adverse effect to insulin by the relevant body cells. Diabetes, also known as, diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic conditions that cause the patient to have a high level of blood glucose (Medical News Today, 2004). Major symptoms are polyphagia, frequent polyuria, and polydipsia. Long term adverse complications from diabetes include hypertension, heart disease, kidney problems, eye damage, limb ulcers, and in some cases result in death (Medical News Today, 2004). Type 2 DM is the most common diabetes which normally has a exacerbation characteristics or lifestyle causation (Medical News Today, 2004).
Diabetes is little or no ability to move glucose out of the blood into the red blood cells. Nearly 16 million people have diabetes in the United States, which narrows it down to about 1 out of every seventeen people. About 2,150 new cases are diagnosed each day. Many of us do not clearly know what diabetes is and the different categories that it is classified in. The first type of diabetes that will be discussed is type 1 diabetes and steps that can be taken to diagnose diabetes. The second type of diabetes that will be talked about will be type 2 diabetes and how it effects patients. The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes and how exercise can help control diabetes. This paper discusses type 1
From Salvadorian food, to Dominican food, to Japanese food; worldwide delicious meals that are exceptionally amazing to our taste buds but abominable to our body if not consumed adequately. One must maintain a healthy diet in order to be less likely to access a health complication. Some illness/diseases are simply just genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. When someone is diagnosed with a certain illness/disease they must follow certain diets and have more precautions of the food and drinks they intake. Keeping an activity level in one’s life is also important to help the body control the disease or illness, this is depending what your illness or diseases is. For example, someone with Diabetes type I or II must be cautious of what they consume and it is suggested that they maintain a active lifestyle if possible to help control the blood glucose along with other benefits. Your main focus as a diabetic patient is to maintain your blood glucose level at a decent range. In order to do so, factors must be changed in a person’s diet.
Having diabetes increases the risk of having and dying from cardiovascular disease. The primary method of death is heart disease and stroke, and fifty percent of people die of cardiovascular disease. In addition to this, 71 percent of American adults have hypertension.
In the past years, diabetes are identified in three different types of form. The first form of diabetes is called Type 1 Diabetes or juvenile diabetes. This stage happens when the insulin in the body become low. Which causes the body to fight through many infections or diseases, since there is not enough insulin to help the immune system. The second type of diabetes is