
The Value of Education Essay

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The Value of Education

Learning and knowledge are highly prized in all societies, especially here in Ireland, where there is a strong tradition of respect for education. The choices that individuals make when leaving school, in particular whether to pursue higher education or not, are likely to have a long lasting effect on their lifestyle. The main purposes for a University education involve: social, national and educational purposes and for the individual personal purposes and moral development. These topics will be addressed in the following paragraphs.

The two main institutions predominantly concerned with education are Universities and Schools. It may be argued that the main purpose of Universities is to advance the …show more content…

The advantage of widespread education is the cultivation of international skills and attitudes, contributing to the values of university education.

This intermingling of cultures and social differences causes a change in the attitudes and outlooks of society. The levelling up of living standards in our economy has created a greater sense of human dignity and freedom replacing an earlier and traditional view of inferiority. Opportunities for education, leading to promotion at work are richer and more varied. Universal education has enhanced individuals' view of the world and has created an awareness of the stream of events in other parts of the world. Which up to 1900 was prerogative of perhaps one fifth of the population. (K.G. Collier, 1959:33)

Not only does this diversity benefit social purposes but it also has certain national purposes. National reforms in higher education were a result of Europe's ability to collect information from these diverse Universities, and adapt to beneficial procedures. (Robbins report: 41) Consequently this encouraged efficiency throughout the education system, due to high levels of mobility between different European countries, and high standards were therefore demanded. These mutual exchanges of solutions to higher education problems benefit Europe as a community and benefit our Universities both

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