
Wag's Press Release

Decent Essays

I looked at four press releases for four different organizations in the city: Winnipeg Police Services, the WHRA, the WAG and the Assiniboine Park Conservatory. I chose these press releases because they are all from fairly different organizations, and yet use similar elements that make them examples of strong press releases. The elements these releases share are providing contact information for further inquiries, inclusion of release date, answering the who, what where, why and how early on in the releases. However, some of these releases may have done better in terms of these elements, than others. The first element is providing contact information, which all four press releases did to varying degrees. The Winnipeg Police Service’s press release, “Male Shot” is one of two posted for that date. As a result of the way they have their website set up all releases for a date are on the same …show more content…

In the case of the Winnipeg Police Service’s release, it is very short. A police press release is meant to state the facts, therefore it is not surprising that it is short and states the main points, and gives very little additional information. The other press releases are quite a bit longer. The WAG’s press release is about 10 paragraphs, the WHRA’s is 8, and the Assiniboine Park Conservatory’s is 9. As the other press releases are longer, it makes it more likely that the reader will only skim read them. Therefore, it is important that these important questions are answered early on.
The WAG’s press release immediately goes into the when, where, what, why and how of the exhibition. They then use later paragraphs to talk about other features, such as guided tours and a kid’s activity scheduled to complement the exhibition theme. The Assiniboine Park Conservatory’s release also does this in regard to the subject, the gifted

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