
Wendy's Spicy Chicken Ceaser Salad

Decent Essays

There are about a hundred different types of salad. Guess which restaurant has the healthiest, none of them! Restaurant owners add extra unhealthy ingredients, they put dressing with added salt and sugar, and the salad has lots of calories. Restaurant salads are cheating your Health!

First of all, restaurant salad has lots of calories. You may be asking “I thought you could get low calorie salad,” but it still has a large amount of calories. Starting off on the list is Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Ceaser Salad has 720 calories. That is a lot for a 2,000 calorie diet. Next on the list is McDonald’s Premium Bacon Ranch has 240 calories. Lastly, this next one might surprise you. Panera’s Fuji apple salad has 570 calories. This clarifies all my reasons that restaurant salad has lots of calories.
Next problem is the dressing. The dressing might say low fat, low calorie, but it still has a lot of sodium and sugar. Ken’s Steak House ranch has 560 milligrams of sodium and 1 gram of sugar. You might say “Well 1 gram isn’t bad,” but that is per 1 table spoon, and 72 calories. Hidden Valley has the …show more content…

But that is not the point. The point is, that people say it’s healthy but their really not. Panera for example has healthy choices but the calories add up to something greater. Other salads are the same thing. It is just as easy and more fun to make it at home with your family and friends.

After all these reasons, it proves that salad can cheat your health. The salad has too many calories, the dressing has too much sodium and sugar, and the salad has to many ingredients, Makes some salad unhealthy. All salad isn’t healthy but make sure you look before you leap and check the calories before you order. Also consider making salad at home because then you know what’s going in and how many calories are in it. Making it at home is more fun. Just remember all salad isn’t as healthy as you

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