
Why Do Employees Need A PTO System?

Decent Essays

According to Patricia Lotich, “many organizations provide paid time off benefits for their employees” (2014, para. 1). Especially, since its considered a good thing when the employee can be paid even for not working. In fact, if you don’t believe me than just ask your local carpenter, brick layer, or cement finisher. Unfortunately, not all paid time off benefits are packaged the same. As a matter of fact, some organizations PTO benefits maybe more competitive than other organizations. For instance, some companies PTO benefits may include 10 days, whereas other companies may offer a more generous package that can include up to 40 days depending on how long you been working there. However, there are advantages to having a PTO system. One advantage of having a PTO system is that it makes “employees feel valuable when they’re allowed time off with pay which contributes to employee engagement and retention” (Lotich, 2014, para. 8). Especially, when employees who feel valuable tends to won’t to work harder and is more motivated to accomplish his and her goals and the goals of the organization. Whereas, employees who …show more content…

1). The reason why is because employees wouldn’t need to have a tendency to lie about whether or not their sick in order to use their sick days. In fact, research has even illustrated that PTO policies tend to result in employees using their time more for vacation days than sick days. Paycor states, “this benefits employers in two ways, first, employers typically receive more notice about scheduled vacations, which affords them more time to plan for adequate coverage. Second, most mental health professionals agree that employees return to work more refreshed and productive following vacation leave” (2016, para. 3). Whereas, employees who take sick days don’t seem to be so

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