Domains for Explorative Experiences: Woodwork Discoveries
Woodworking supports a child’s creativity by allowing them to experiment and explore with materials that they have more than likely had little to no exposure to. When given the proper tools a child can build whatever they like with the wood as well. Using wood and similar materials gives children the right to be creative by thinking for themselves and deciding what they wish to create. Even if what they have made looks nothing like what they say it is to them that’s what it is, so that is what it is. When given the opportunity to explore any medium it allows for great creative growth. Woodworking supports the Environment as the Third Teacher by This domain supports The
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Ideally I would have the woodworking area set up in a tiled area with at least one large window for natural light, an electrical outlet or two and have it near the block centre and busy areas. I would have a work bench in the area with some lighting overhead as well as another table with chairs, paper, pens, clipboards, and books etc. for a planning station. In the area I would have different types and sizes of wood, nails, screws, nuts and bolts, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, ratchets, sandpaper and possibly a small drill or saw. A child’s imagination would be encouraged through this domain because it allows him or her to create what it is they are thinking of. Instead of it just being in their heads they can plan it out on paper and then actually create it to the best of their ability. And once you bring in paint and other materials like that a child’s imagination can run wild. There are no limits to what they can create. As a teacher I would be there to support the child with any questions they had as well as model proper ways to use the tools and materials. I am also there to supervise and make sure everything is running smoothly. Woodworking may seem like a task that a child is not capable of handling however when given the opportunity to show us that they can they will. A child can only do the things they are given the chance to and it is us as the adults who say what they can and
We looked at the process over product. In the creative arts area, we were unable to get suitable images (Only product not process) and our expectation involved children activities. Then we filtered by Reggio Philosophy. During this, we found a good selection of images. Our group collaborated by exchanging our e-mail and using Facebook. This collaboration helped us to get many different ideas with each member accessing our group board and contributing the best images they selected. Therefore, we narrowed our work to collect the most suitable images. We found out what materials were used for many infant and toddler activities indoor and outdoor. For example, some of the materials that were used for painting outdoor and indoor are bark, pine cone, tin, mirror, cotton, bottle and bubble
The key characteristics in creativity can support young children’s development in a number of ways. Emotionally they learn how to manage frustrations if a project isn’t going to plan or can feel happy and proud and a sense of achievement when it is completed. Socially children can build up self-confidence by working alongside or with others, creating something to share and thereby making friends.
Children’s creativity must be extended by the provision of support for their curiosity, exploration and play. They must be provided with opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example, through a variety of art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities, mathematics, and design and technology.
E: I think using a picture to spark creativity is a good idea for all children. During my experience hours, the teacher that I was aired with gave her student a picture of a woman pulling her hair out and two other children below her arguing, and the students had to write what each person was thinking and saying. Her students came up with really interesting answers, and it was a great activity.
An unhurried period of creativity gives children time to explore and experiment with materials and use them in their own way. It also allows children to do their best work by moving from popular to more original ideas and being able to come back to it at a later date to finish.
With different children in the class you have to make sure to keep each child’s learning to their levels. Keep researching new ways for the children to learn more information each week. Make sure to stay along licensing rules. Get trained in the fields I need so that I will know everything that I need to know for the children. Making sure to have them in a safe place so that they will feel safe there is important. Make sure to learn about the children’s families because knowing that information can help better understand the children. I will make sure to let the families always know the local school hours. Let the parents know about my program’s mission. Keeping the parents and other staff up to date on what I’m planning to do. Keeping my policies up to date such as communication with parents, curriculum, discipline and guidance, drop-off and pick-ups, emergency closings, others authorized to pick up the children, fees and payment arrangements, food and nutrition, etc. One of the most important things would just be keeping everyone up to
* Supervise children using the instruments, i.e. check they hold them correctly, and use them appropriately.
Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own learning and their ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved by providing a creative environment, allowing exploration through play and praising the child’s creative efforts. Creative learning is about helping children develop imaginative thinking through exploration of materials, objects and problem solving skills like ICT. It is also about giving children opportunities to make connections between different areas and to relate to them. Some creative learning activities may be goal orientated like the
At all stages (including very early mark making) the children’s work is positively encouraged, valued and exhibited.
This approach believes that children will learn from watching and being with adults who are being creative. This means that they need to be shown how to be creative first and watching adults draw and paint, etc.
Creative development is important to a child’s learning because it helps them to use their mind and imagination and express their own ideas, and through playing with their friends it also helps them to understand that all family’s and cultures can be different. It helps them to make connections in their thinking and the way in which they problem solve, by doing things over and over again they reinforce their thinking and learning, they develop self-esteem, confidence, imagination & learning to work together in groups. It puts down the foundations for more
In terms of understanding of the world the children used their senses to investigate objects and materials by used. The children also constructed letters with an object and adapted their work where necessary.
Teachers organize the physical environment. The way the desks, tables, and other classroom materials are arranged affects instruction and has an influence on order in the classroom. The decision of a teacher in organizing and arranging the classroom materials, supplies, designated place for activities and bulletin board will determine the effectiveness of the learning environment.
Furniture and equipment should be flexible and open-ended. It should be easy to rearrange the room to respond to children’s needs and interests. Movable platforms, risers, large hollow blocks, movable tables, boxes, large pieces of fabric, clothespins, and other open-ended materials give children opportunities to arrange spaces to suit their needs. They enhance children’s imaginative play; provide opportunities for
Children by nature are curious, innovative, explorative and experimental. They tend to see the world differently with endless possibilities and opportunities. They are less hesitant to try new ideas and are also experts in expressing themselves in the form of art. In short, children are creative by birth. Since the early childhood setting is a hub for fostering these creative minds, expanding horizons, and creating future geniuses, creativity in early childhood development and curriculum provision holds utmost importance. As a result, creativity is important for Early Childhood development and therefore, creative experiences should be incorporated within the curriculum. This will be discussed in relation to current perspectives within the role and importance of creativity in Early Childhood education.