
Woolsworth Goals And Objectives

Good Essays

Grocery stores and supermarkets are one of the industries in Australia which have the most fiercely competition. The rapid growth of these supermarkets and increasing in popularity among the people is because of its discount on private label products. One of these supermarkets is Woolsworth. It was established back in 1942. First store opening was in Sydney’s Imperial Arcade. Woolworths was founded by Stanley Edward Chatterton, Harold Percival Christmas, Ernest Robert Williams, George William Percival Creed and Cecil Scott Waine. This is Australia’s largest food chain with stores up to 992 operating all across Australia. This chain consists of 205,000 team members in total. This supermarket claims to be a handy place where all …show more content…

To measure Woolsworth organization effectiveness I am using the goal approach. Effectiveness of an organization is how well the goals whether they are offical or operating are attained. (Daft, 1983)
Goal approach is when an organization identify their output goals and then how well they perform to attain those goals. (Daft, 1983).

To measure effectiveness through goal approch there are certain indicators attached to it. i.e.

1) Profitability— that is the gain from the business operations after substracting all the expenses.

Looking at the financial statement of woolsworth from comparison of 2016 with 2015 we clearly see that they did not gain profit. They total assests of have decrease in 2016. Therefore in 2016 they were in a loss it shows its not effective.

2) Market share— the proportion of the market the firm is able to capture relative to competitors. (Daft, 1983)

According to Roy Morgan research it shows that there has been a decline in woolsworth marketshare upto 1.4% points. (roymorgan,2016). Another site confirms that yes 2016 wasn’t a year for woolsworth and it continues to lose its market share to its competitors. (The Motley Fool, …show more content…

The reason why coles and aldi are gaining popularity is because they are working on the goals and achieving them but its not the case with Woolsworth.

Works Cited
(n.d.). Retrieved from Woolsworth Group :
(2016, October 24 ). Retrieved from
(2016, August 25). Retrieved from
Daft, R. L. (1983). Organization Theory and Design. Cengage, Learning Australia. sustain case. (2017, August 17). Retrieved from
The Motley Fool. (2016, October 27). Retrieved from
Woolsworth Group. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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