
logic and perception Essay

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Delegation Paper

Delegation by management within the Healthcare system is one, which allows the staff to develop their skills and knowledge to the full potential without hesitation. This allows each individual the opportunities to communicate with those in management and a dynamic tool for motivating and training the team to realize their full potential and self-accountability.

Management in my hospital usually delegates as a primary means of entrusting your authority to others. This means other professions can act and initiate independently within the policies and procedures or orders of a licensed medial physician. You also assume the responsibility for those …show more content…

The computer has had an incredible influence on the way we perform our jobs and sometimes think of the impact it has had on delegation. The ability to distribute information within our facility via the computer has an incredible impact on how rapidly we can disseminate that information. Administration has even suggested that these systems have instigated massive changes in managerial power. There has been more of a shirt towards sharing power rather than delegating it. It appears that there well-educated workforce is one that is able to innovate and adapt more spontaneously. The principle of restricting access so that only management or supervisors can obtain information limits the remaining staffs participation. A supervisor who operates in this fashion cannot delegate effectively in healthcare because it is necessary for all employees to be recognized because they may have more experience or additional knowledge to address certain decisions. Delegation ensures that the staff collectively contributes in the decision-making process and surgeons welcome their input, which reinforces the fact that we all contribute and feel our expertice is utilized.
A serious concern about delegation in healthcare is that by giving others authority, it could ultimately jeopardize a patients safety. This is a legitimate concern for patient and their families. But

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