9th Edition
ISBN: 9781260540666
Author: Hayt
Publisher: MCG CUSTOM

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Chapter 9, Problem 20E

For the circuit represented by Fig. 9.44, the two resistor values are R1 = 0.752 Ω and R2 = 1.268 Ω, respectively. (a) Obtain an expression for the energy stored in the capacitor, valid for all t > 0; (b) determine the settling time of the current labeled iA.

Chapter 9, Problem 20E, For the circuit represented by Fig. 9.44, the two resistor values are R1 = 0.752  and R2 = 1.268 ,



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To determine

Find the expression for the energy stored in the capacitor, valid for all t>0.

Answer to Problem 20E

The expression for the energy stored in the capacitor, valid for all t>0 is

2.5(0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t)2 J.

Explanation of Solution

Given Data:

The value of the resistor R1 is 0.752 Ω  and R2 is 1.268 Ω.

Formula used:

The expression for the exponential damping coefficient or the neper frequency is as follows:

α=12RC (1)


α is the exponential damping coefficient or the neper frequency,

R is the resistance of a parallel RLC circuit,

C is the capacitance of a parallel RLC circuit.

The expression for the resonating frequency is as follows:

ω0=1LC (2)


ω0 is the resonating frequency and

L is the inductance of a parallel RLC circuit.

The expression for the two solutions of the characteristic equation of a parallel RLC circuit is as follows:

s1=α+α2ω02 (3)

s2=αα2ω02 (4)


s1 and s2 is the solutions of the characteristic equation of a parallel RLC circuit.

The expression for the natural response of the parallel RLC circuit is as follows:

v(t)=A1eS1t+A2eS2t V (5)


v(t) is the natural response of the parallel RLC circuit,

A1 and A2 are arbitrary constant and

t is the time.

The expression for the energy stored in the capacitor is as follows:

w=12Cv2 (6)


w is the energy stored in the capacitor,

v is the voltage across the capacitor.


The capacitor and the inductor are connected in the circuit for long time.

So, the capacitor behaves as open circuit and the inductor behaves as short circuit.

The redrawn circuit diagram is given in Figure 1 for t=0.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 9, Problem 20E , additional homework tip  1

Refer to the redrawn Figure 1:

As parallel branches have same voltage so voltage across 0.752 Ω resistor at t=0+ is 1.5 V.

The expression for the current flowing through 0.752 Ω resistor is as follows:

iA(0)=v1R1 (7)


iA(0) is the current flowing through the 0.752 Ω resistor,

v1 is the voltage across the 0.752 Ω resistor and

R1 is the resistance of the 0.752 Ω resistor.

Substitute 1.5 V for v1 and 0.752 Ω for R1 in equation (7).

iA(0)=1.5 V0.752 Ω=1.9947 A

The expression for the current flowing through the 2 H inductor is as follows:

iL(0)=v1v2R2 (8)


iL(0) is the current flowing through 2 H inductor,

v2 is the voltage of 2iA dependent source and

R2 is the resistance of the 1.268 Ω resistor.

Substitute  1.5 V for v1, 2iA for v2 and 1.268 Ω for R2 in equation (8).

iL(0)=1.5 V2iA1.268 Ω (9)

Substitute 1.9947 A for iA in equation in equation (9).

iL(0)=1.5 V2(1.9947)1.268 Ω=2.48941.268 A=1.963 A

As parallel branches have same voltage and the voltage across the short circuit branch has 0 V so voltage across 0.752 Ω resistor at t=0+ is 0 V.

The capacitor does not allow sudden change in the voltage and the inductor does not allow sudden change in current.


vC(0+)=vC(0) and


Therefore, the voltage across the 5 F capacitor at t=0 is 0 V and the current flowing through the 2 H inductor at t=0 is 1.963 A.

The redrawn circuit diagram is given in Figure 2 at t=0+.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 9, Problem 20E , additional homework tip  2l

Refer to the redrawn Figure 2:

As the voltage across the he 5 F capacitor is 0 V it behaves as short circuit so, the current flowing through the 5 F capacitor is equal to negative of the current flowing through the 2 H inductor.

iC(0)=(1.963 A)=1.963 A

To find equivalent resistance across the capacitor, a 1 V test source is connected across the capacitor.

The redrawn circuit diagram is given in Figure 3.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 9, Problem 20E , additional homework tip  3

Refer to the redrawn Figure 3:

Apply KVL in the circuit.

v0=iAR1+iAR2v2 (10)


v0 is the 1 V test source.

Substitute 1 V for v0, 2iA for v2 and 1.268 Ω for R2 in equation (10).

1 V=(0.752 Ω)iA+(1.268 Ω)iA2iA1 =2.02iA2iA1 =0.02iA

Rearrange for iA.

0.02iA=1iA=10.02 AiA=50 A

The expression for the equivalent resistance the circuit is as follows:

Req=v0iA (11)


Req is the equivalent resistance across the 5 F capacitor.

Substitute 1 V for v0 and 50 A for iA in equation (11).

Req=1 V50 A=0.02 Ω

Substitute 0.02 Ω for R and 5 F for C in the equation (1).

α=12(0.02 Ω)(5 F)=12(0.02 Ω)(5 F)                                                       {1 μF=106 F}=10.2 s1=5 s1

Substitute 2 H for L and 5 F for C in the equation (2).

ω0=1(2 H)×(5 F)=110 rad/s=0.31623 rad/s

Here, the exponential damping coefficient is greater than the resonating frequency,

So, the response of the parallel RLC circuit is over-damped.

Substitute 5 s for α and 0.31623 rad/s for ω0 in equation (3).

s1=(5 s1)+(5 s)2(0.31623 rad/s)2=5 s1+4.98998 s1=0.01 s1

Substitute 5 s for α and 0.31623 rad/s for ω0 in equation (4).

s2=(5 s1)(5 s)2(0.31623 rad/s)2=5 s14.98998 s1=9.998 s1

Substitute 0.01 s1 for s1 and 9.998 s1 for s2 in equation (5).

v(t)=A1e(0.01 s1)t+A2e(9.998 s1)t V (12)

Substitute 0 for t in equation (12).

v(0)=A1e(0.01 s1)(0)+A2e(9.998 s1)(0) V=A1(1)+A2(1) V

v(0)=A1+A2 V (13)

The voltage across the capacitor at t=0 is 0 V.

Substitute 0 V for v(0) in equation (13).

0 V=A1+A2 V

Rearrange for A1.


A1=A2 (14)

The expression for the current flowing through the 5 F capacitor is as follows:

iC(t)=CdvC(t)dt (15)

vC(t) is the voltage across the 5 F capacitor valid for all t.

Substitute A1e(0.01 s1)t+A2e(9.998 s1)t V for v(t) in equation (15).

iC(t)=Cd(A1e(0.01 s1)t+A2e(9.998 s1)t V)dt=C((0.01 s1)e(0.01 s1)t+(9.998 s1)A2e(9.998 s1)t)

Rearrange for iC(t)C.

iC(t)C=0.01e(0.01 s1)t9.998A2e(9.998 s1)t (16)

Substitute 0 for t in equation (12).

iC(0)C=0.01e(0.01 s1)(0)9.998A2e(9.998 s1)(0)=0.01(1)9.998A2(1)=0.019.998A2

The current flowing through the 5 F capacitor at t=0 is 1.963 A.

Substitute 1.963 A for iC(0) and 5 F for C in equation (16).

1.963 A5 F=0.019.998A20.393=0.019.998A2

Rearrange for A1 and A2.

0.019.998A2=0.393 (17)

Substitute A2 for A1 in equation (17).


Rearrange for A2.


Substitute 0.0393 for A2 in equation (14).


Substitute 0.0393 for A1 and 0.0393 for A2 in equation (12).

v(t)=0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t V (18)

Substitute 0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t V for v and 5 F for C in equation (6).

w=(12)(5 F)(0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t V)2=2.5(0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t)2 J

So, the energy stored in the capacitor, valid for all t>0 is

2.5(0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t)2 J


Thus, the expression for the energy stored in the capacitor, valid for all t>0 is

2.5(0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t)2 J.


Expert Solution
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To determine

Find the settling time of the current iA.

Answer to Problem 20E

The settling time of current iA is 461.32 s.

Explanation of Solution


The redrawn circuit diagram is given in Figure 4.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 9, Problem 20E , additional homework tip  4

Refer to the redrawn Figure 4:

The expression for the current flowing in the left hand mesh at t>0 is as follows:

iA(t)=v(t)Req (18)


iA(t) is the current flowing in the left hand mesh at t>0

Req is the  equivalent resistance across capacitor.

Substitute 0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t V for v(t) and 0.02 Ω for Req in equation (18).

iA(t)=0.0393e(0.01 s1)t0.0393e(9.998 s1)t V0.02 Ω=1.965e(0.01 s1)t1.965e(9.998 s1)t A

iA(t)=1.965e(0.01 s1)t1.965e(9.998 s1)t A (19)

Differentiate both side of the equation (19).

diA(t)dt=d(1.965e(0.01 s1)t1.965e(9.998 s1)t A) dt=((1.965)(0.01 s1)e(0.01 s1)t(1.965)(9.998 s1)e(9.998 s1)t) s

The maximum value is obtained when derivative is equated to zero.

((1.965)(0.01 s)e(0.01 s)t(1.965)(9.998 s)e(9.998 s)t) As =0

(1.965)(0.01 s1e(0.01 s1)t+9.998 s1e(9.998 s1)t )=0 (20)

Rearrange equation (20).

0.01 s1e(0.01 s1)t+9.998 s1e(9.998 s1)t =00.01 s1e(0.01 s1)t=9.998 s1e(9.998 s1)te(0.01 s1)te(9.998 s1)t=9.998 0.01e(0.01 s1+9.998 s1)t=999.8

e(9.988 s1)t=999.8

Take natural logarithm both sides.

ln(e(9.988 s)t)=ln(999.8)9.988t=6.9075 s

Rearrange for t.

t=6.90759.988=0.69089 s

Substitute 0.69089 s for t in equation (19).

iA(t)=1.965e(0.01 s1)(0.69089 s)1.965e(9.998 s1)(0.69089 s) A=(1.965)(0.993)(1.965)(1.000237×103) A=1.95131.9654×103 A=1.9493 A

So, the value of the maximum current flowing in the left hand mesh is 1.9493 A.

Settling time is the time at which the value of the current reaches 1% of its maximum value.

The expression for the current at 1% of maximum value is as follows:

iA at 1%=iA max(1%) (21)


iA at 1% is the value of the current at 1% of maximum value,

iA max is the maximum current.

Substitute 1.9493 A for iA max in equation (21).

iA at 1%=(1.9493 A)(1%)=(1.9493 A)(1100)=0.019493 A

The value of current flowing in the left hand mesh at 1% of maximum value is

0.019493 A.

Substitute 0.019493 A for iR in equation (19).

0.019493 A=1.965e(0.01 s1)t1.965e(9.998 s1)t A

Since the component e(0.01 s1)t dominates the component e(9.998 s1)t, hence neglect the component e(9.998 s1)t.

So, the new equation is:

0.019493 A=1.965e(0.01 s1)t A (22)

Rearrange equation (22).

1.965e(0.01 s1)t=0.019493e(0.01 s1)t=0.0194931.965e(0.01 s1)t=9.9201×103

Take natural logarithm both sides.

ln(e(0.01 s1)t)=ln(9.9201×103)0.01t=4.6132 s

Rearrange for t.

t=4.61320.01 s=461.32 s

So, the settling time of the currentflowing in the left hand mesh iA is 461.32 s.


Thus, the settling time of current iA is 461.32 s.

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