5th Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 8220100237140


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Chapter 3 - Chromosome Transmission During Cell Division And Sexual ReproductionChapter 3.1 - General Features Of ChromosomesChapter 3.2 - Cell DivisionChapter 3.3 - Mitosis And CytokinesisChapter 3.4 - MeiosisChapter 3.5 - Sexual ReproductionChapter 3.6 - The Chromosome Theory Of Inheritance And Sex ChromosomesChapter 4 - Extensions Of Mendelian InheritanceChapter 4.1 - Overview Of Simple Inheritance PatternsChapter 4.2 - Dominant And Recessive AllelesChapter 4.3 - Environmental Effects On Gene ExpressionChapter 4.4 - Incomplete Dominance, Overdominance, And CodominanceChapter 4.5 - X-linked InheritanceChapter 4.6 - Sex-influenced And Sex-limited InheritanceChapter 4.7 - Lethal AllelesChapter 4.8 - PleiotropyChapter 4.9 - Gene InteractionsChapter 5 - Non-mendelian InheritanceChapter 5.1 - Maternal EffectChapter 5.2 - Epigenetic Inheritance: Dosage CompensationChapter 5.3 - Epigenetic Inheritance: Genomic ImprintingChapter 5.4 - Extranuclear InheritanceChapter 6 - Genetic Linkage And Mapping In EukaryotesChapter 6.1 - Overview Of LinkageChapter 6.2 - Relationship Between Linkage And Crossing OverChapter 6.3 - Genetic Mapping In Plants And AnimalsChapter 6.4 - Genetic Mapping In Haploid EukaryotesChapter 6.5 - Mitotic RecombinationChapter 7 - Genetic Transfer And Mapping In Bacteria And BacteriophagesChapter 7.1 - Overview Of Genetic Transfer In BacteriaChapter 7.2 - Bacterial ConjugationChapter 7.3 - Conjugation And Mapping Via Hfr StrainsChapter 7.4 - Bacterial TransductionChapter 7.5 - Bacterial TransformationChapter 7.6 - Medical Relevance Of Bacterial Genetic TransferChapter 7.7 - Plaque Formation And Intergenic Complementation In BacteriophagesChapter 7.8 - Intragenic Mapping In BacteriophagesChapter 8 - Variation In Chromosome Structure And NumberChapter 8.1 - Microscopic Examination Of Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 8.2 - Changes In Chromosome Structure: An OverviewChapter 8.3 - Deletions And DuplicationsChapter 8.4 - Inversions And TranslocationsChapter 8.5 - Changes In Chromosome Number: An OverviewChapter 8.6 - Variation In The Number Of Chromosomes Within A Set: AneuploidyChapter 8.7 - Variation In The Number Of Sets Of ChromosomesChapter 8.8 - Natural And Experimental Mechanisms That Produce Variation In Chromosome NumberChapter 9 - Molecular Structure Of Dna And RnaChapter 9.1 - Identification Of Dna As The Genetic MaterialChapter 9.2 - Overview Of Dna And Rna StructureChapter 9.3 - Nucleotide StructureChapter 9.4 - Structure Of A Dna StrandChapter 9.5 - Discovery Of The Double HelixChapter 9.6 - Structure Of The Dna Double HelixChapter 9.7 - Rna StructureChapter 10 - Chromosome Organization And Molecular StructureChapter 10.1 - Organization Of Sites Along Bacterial ChromosomesChapter 10.2 - Structure Of Bacterial ChromosomesChapter 10.3 - Organization Of Sites Along Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 10.4 - Sizes Of Eukaryotic Genomes And Repetitive SequencesChapter 10.5 - Structure Of Eukaryotic Chromosomes In Nondividing CellsChapter 10.6 - Structure Of Eukaryotic Chromosomes During Cell DivisionChapter 11 - Dna ReplicationChapter 11.1 - Structural Overview Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.2 - Bacterial Dna Replication: The Formation Of Two Replication Forks At The Origin Of ReplicationChapter 11.3 - Bacterial Dna Replication: Synthesis Of New Dna StrandsChapter 11.4 - Bacterial Dna Replication: Chemistry And AccuracyChapter 11.5 - Eukaryotic Dna ReplicationChapter 12 - Gene Transcription And Rna ModificationChapter 12.1 - Overview Of TranscriptionChapter 12.2 - Transcription In BacteriaChapter 12.3 - Transcription In EukaryotesChapter 12.4 - Rna ModificationChapter 12.5 - A Comparison Of Transcription And Rna Modification In Bacteria And EukaryotesChapter 13 - Translation Of MrnaChapter 13.1 - The Genetic Basis For Protein SynthesisChapter 13.2 - The Relationship Between The Genetic Code And Protein SynthesisChapter 13.3 - Experimental Determination Of The Genetic CodeChapter 13.4 - Structure And Function Of TrnaChapter 13.5 - Ribosome Structure And AssemblyChapter 13.6 - Stages Of TranslationChapter 14 - Gene Regulation In BacteriaChapter 14.1 - Overview Of Transcriptional RegulationChapter 14.2 - Regulation Of The Lac OperonChapter 14.3 - Regulation Of The Trp OperonChapter 14.4 - Translational And Posttranslational RegulationChapter 14.5 - RiboswitchesChapter 15 - Gene Regulation In Eukaryotes I: Transcriptional RegulationChapter 15.1 - Regulatory Transcription FactorsChapter 15.2 - Chromatin Remodeling, Histone Variants, And Histone ModificationChapter 15.3 - Dna MethylationChapter 15.4 - InsulatorsChapter 15.5 - The Encode ProjectChapter 16 - Gene Regulation In Eukaryotes Ii: Epigenetics And Regulation At The Rna LevelChapter 16.1 - Overview Of EpigeneticsChapter 16.2 - Epigenetics And DevelopmentChapter 16.3 - Epigenetics And Environmental AgentsChapter 16.4 - Regulation Of Rna Splicing, Rna Stability, And TranslationChapter 17 - Genetics Of VirusesChapter 17.1 - Virus Structure And Genetic CompositionChapter 17.2 - Overview Of Viral Reproductive CyclesChapter 17.3 - Bacteriophage λ Reproductive CycleChapter 17.4 - Hiv Reproductive CycleChapter 18 - Gene Mutation And Dna RepairChapter 18.1 - Effects Of Mutations On Gene Structure And FunctionChapter 18.2 - Random Nature Of MutationsChapter 18.3 - Spontaneous MutationsChapter 18.4 - Induced MutationsChapter 18.5 - Dna RepairChapter 19 - Recombination And Transposition At The Molecular LevelChapter 19.1 - Homologous RecombinationChapter 19.2 - Site-specific RecombinationChapter 19.3 - TranspositionChapter 20 - Dna TechnologiesChapter 20.1 - Gene Cloning Using VectorsChapter 20.2 - Polymerase Chain ReactionChapter 20.3 - Dna SequencingChapter 20.4 - Site-directed MutagenesisChapter 20.5 - Blotting Methods To Detect Gene And Gene ProductsChapter 20.6 - Methods For Analyzing Dna- And Rna-binding ProteinsChapter 21 - BiotechnologyChapter 21.1 - Uses Of Microorganisms In BiotechnologyChapter 21.2 - Genetically Modified AnimalsChapter 21.3 - Reproductive Cloning And Stem CellsChapter 21.4 - Genetically Modified PlantsChapter 21.5 - Human Gene TherapyChapter 22 - Genomics I: Analysis Of DnaChapter 22.1 - Overview Of Chromosome MappingChapter 22.2 - Cytogenetic Mapping Via MicroscopyChapter 22.3 - Linkage Mapping Via CrossesChapter 22.4 - Physical Mapping Via Cloning And Dna SequencingChapter 22.5 - Genome-sequencing ProjectsChapter 22.6 - MetagenomicsChapter 23 - Genomics Ii: Functional Genomics, Proteomics, And BioinformaticsChapter 23.1 - Functional GenomicsChapter 23.2 - ProteomicsChapter 23.3 - BioinformaticsChapter 24 - Medical Genetics And CancerChapter 24.1 - Inheritance Patterns Of Genetic DiseasesChapter 24.2 - Detection Of Disease-causing Alleles Via HaplotypesChapter 24.3 - Genetic Testing And ScreeningChapter 24.4 - PrionsChapter 24.5 - Genetic Basis Of CancerChapter 24.6 - Personalized MedicineChapter 25 - Developmental GeneticsChapter 25.1 - Overview Of Animal DevelopmentChapter 25.2 - Invertebrate DevelopmentChapter 25.3 - Vertebrate DevelopmentChapter 25.4 - Plant DevelopmentChapter 25.5 - Sex Determination In AnimalsChapter 26 - Population GeneticsChapter 26.1 - Genes In Populations And The Hardy-weinberg EquationChapter 26.2 - Overview Of MicroevolutionChapter 26.3 - Natural SelectionChapter 26.4 - Genetic DriftChapter 26.5 - MigrationChapter 26.6 - Nonrandom MatingChapter 26.7 - Sources Of New Genetic VariationChapter 27 - Quantitative GeneticsChapter 27.1 - Overview Of Quantitative TraitsChapter 27.2 - Statistical Methods For Evaluating Quantitative TraitsChapter 27.3 - Polygenic InheritanceChapter 27.4 - HeritabilityChapter 27.5 - Selective BreedingChapter 28 - Evolutionary GeneticsChapter 28.1 - Origin Of SpeciesChapter 28.2 - Phylogenetic TreesChapter 28.3 - Molecular Evolution

Book Details

Genetics: Analysis and Principles is a one-semester, introductory genetics textbook that takes an experimental approach to understanding genetics. By weaving one or two experiments into the narrative of each chapter, students can simultaneously explore t

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