Genetics: Analysis and Principles - 6th Edition - by Robert J. Brooker Professor Dr. - ISBN 9781259616020

Genetics: Analysis and Principles
6th Edition
Robert J. Brooker Professor Dr.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781259616020

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Chapter 2.5 - Probability And StatisticsChapter 3 - Chromosome Transmission During Cell Division And Sexual ReproductionChapter 3.1 - General Features Of ChromosomesChapter 3.2 - Cell DivisionChapter 3.3 - Mitosis And CytokinesisChapter 3.4 - MeiosisChapter 3.5 - Sexual ReproductionChapter 3.6 - The Chromosome Theory Of Inheritance And Sex ChromosomesChapter 4 - Extensions Of Mendelian InheritanceChapter 4.1 - Overview Of Simple Inheritance PatternsChapter 4.2 - Dominant And Recessive AllelesChapter 4.3 - Environmental Effects On Gene ExpressionChapter 4.4 - Incomplete Dominance, Overdominance, And CodominanceChapter 4.5 - X-linked InheritanceChapter 4.6 - Sex-influenced And Sex-limited InheritanceChapter 4.7 - Lethal AllelesChapter 4.8 - PleiotropyChapter 4.9 - Gene InteractionsChapter 5 - Non-mendelian InheritanceChapter 5.1 - Maternal EffectChapter 5.2 - Epigenetic Inheritance: Dosage CompensationChapter 5.3 - Epigenetic Inheritance: Genomic ImprintingChapter 5.4 - Extranuclear InheritanceChapter 6 - Genetic Linkage And Mapping In EukaryotesChapter 6.1 - Overview Of LinkageChapter 6.2 - Relationship Between Linkage And Crossing OverChapter 6.3 - Genetic Mapping In Plants And AnimalsChapter 6.4 - Genetic Mapping In Haploid EukaryotesChapter 6.5 - Mitotic RecombinationChapter 7 - Genetic Transfer And Mapping In BacteriaChapter 7.1 - Overview Of Genetic Transfer In BacteriaChapter 7.2 - Bacterial ConjugationChapter 7.3 - Conjugation And Mapping Via Hfr StrainsChapter 7.4 - Bacterial TransductionChapter 7.5 - Bacterial TransformationChapter 7.6 - Medical Relevance Of Bacterial Genetic TransferChapter 8 - Variation In Chromosome Structure And NumberChapter 8.1 - Microscopic Examination Of Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 8.2 - Changes In Chromosome Structure: An OverviewChapter 8.3 - Deletions And DuplicationsChapter 8.4 - Inversions And TranslocationsChapter 8.5 - Changes In Chromosome Number: An OverviewChapter 8.6 - Variation In The Number Of Chromosomes Within A Set: AneuploidyChapter 8.7 - Variation In The Number Of Sets Of ChromosomesChapter 8.8 - Natural And Experimental Mechanisms That Produce Variation In Chromosome NumberChapter 9 - Molecular Structure Of Dna And RnaChapter 9.1 - Identification Of Dna As The Genetic MaterialChapter 9.2 - Overview Of Dna And Rna StructureChapter 9.3 - Nucleotide StructureChapter 9.4 - Structure Of A Dna StrandChapter 9.5 - Discovery Of The Double HelixChapter 9.6 - Structure Of The Dna Double HelixChapter 9.7 - Rna StructureChapter 10 - Chromosome Organization And Molecular StructureChapter 10.1 - Organization Of Sites Along Bacterial ChromosomesChapter 10.2 - Structure Of Bacterial ChromosomesChapter 10.3 - Organization Of Sites Along Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 10.4 - Sizes Of Eukaryotic Genomes And Repetitive SequencesChapter 10.5 - Structure Of Eukaryotic Chromosomes In Nondividing CellsChapter 10.6 - Structure Of Eukaryotic Chromosomes During Cell DivisionChapter 11 - Dna ReplicationChapter 11.1 - Structural Overview Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.2 - Bacterial Dna Replication: The Formation Of Two Replication Forks At The Origin Of ReplicationChapter 11.3 - Bacterial Dna Replication: Synthesis Of New Dna StrandsChapter 11.4 - Bacterial Dna Replication: Chemistry And AccuracyChapter 11.5 - Eukaryotic Dna ReplicationChapter 12 - Gene Transcription And Rna ModificationChapter 12.1 - Overview Of TranscriptionChapter 12.2 - Transcription In BacteriaChapter 12.3 - Transcription In EukaryotesChapter 12.4 - Rna ModificationChapter 12.5 - A Comparison Of Transcription And Rna Modification In Bacteria And EukaryotesChapter 13 - Translation Of MrnaChapter 13.1 - The Genetic Basis For Protein SynthesisChapter 13.2 - The Relationship Between The Genetic Code And Protein SynthesisChapter 13.3 - Experimental Determination Of The Genetic CodeChapter 13.4 - Structure And Function Of TrnaChapter 13.5 - Ribosome Structure And AssemblyChapter 13.6 - Stages Of TranslationChapter 14 - Gene Regulation In BacteriaChapter 14.1 - Overview Of Transcriptional RegulationChapter 14.2 - Regulation Of The Lac OperonChapter 14.3 - Regulation Of The Trp OperonChapter 14.4 - Translational And Posttranslational RegulationChapter 14.5 - RiboswitchesChapter 15 - Gene Regulation In Eukaryotes I: Transcriptional And Translation RegulationChapter 15.1 - Regulatory Transcription FactorsChapter 15.2 - Chromatin Remodeling, Histone Variants, And Histone ModificationChapter 15.3 - Dna MethylationChapter 15.4 - InsulatorsChapter 15.5 - The Encode ProjectChapter 15.6 - Regulation Of TranslationChapter 16 - Gene Regulation In Eukaryotes Ii: EpigeneticsChapter 16.1 - Overview Of EpigeneticsChapter 16.2 - Epigenetics And DevelopmentChapter 16.3 - ParamutationChapter 16.4 - Epigenetics And Environmental AgentsChapter 16.5 - Role Of Epigenetics In CancerChapter 17 - Non-coding RnasChapter 17.1 - Overview Of Non-coding RnasChapter 17.2 - Non-coding Rnas: Effects On Chromatin Structure And TranscriptionChapter 17.3 - Non-coding Rnas: Effects On Translation, Mrna Degradation, And Rna ModificationsChapter 17.4 - Non-coding Rnas And Protein TargetingChapter 17.5 - Non-coding Rnas And Genome DefenseChapter 17.6 - Role Of Non-coding Rnas In Human DiseaseChapter 18 - Genetics Of VirusesChapter 18.1 - Virus Structure And Genetic CompositionChapter 18.2 - Overview Of Viral Reproductive CyclesChapter 18.3 - Bacteriophage λ Reproductive CycleChapter 18.4 - Hiv Reproductive CycleChapter 19 - Gene Mutation And Dna RepairChapter 19.1 - Effects Of Mutations On Gene Structure And FunctionChapter 19.2 - Random Nature Of MutationsChapter 19.3 - Spontaneous MutationsChapter 19.4 - Induced MutationsChapter 19.5 - Dna RepairChapter 20 - Recombination, Immunogenetics, And TranspositionChapter 20.1 - Homologous RecombinationChapter 20.2 - ImmunogeneticsChapter 20.3 - TranspositionChapter 21 - Molecular TechnologiesChapter 21.1 - Gene Cloning Using VectorsChapter 21.2 - Polymerase Chain ReactionChapter 21.3 - Dna SequencingChapter 21.4 - Gene MutagenesisChapter 21.5 - Blotting Methods To Detect Gene ProductsChapter 21.6 - Methods For Analyzing Dna- And Rna-binding ProteinsChapter 22 - BiotechnologyChapter 22.1 - Uses Of Microorganisms In BiotechnologyChapter 22.2 - Genetically Modified AnimalsChapter 22.3 - Reproductive Cloning And Stem CellsChapter 22.4 - Genetically Modified PlantsChapter 22.5 - Human Gene TherapyChapter 23 - Genomics I: Analysis Of DnaChapter 23.1 - Overview Of Chromosome MappingChapter 23.2 - Cytogenetic Mapping Via MicroscopyChapter 23.3 - Linkage Mapping Via CrossesChapter 23.4 - Physical Mapping Via Cloning And Dna SequencingChapter 23.5 - Genome-sequencing ProjectsChapter 23.6 - MetagenomicsChapter 24 - Genomics Ii: Functional Genomics, Proteomics, And BioinformaticsChapter 24.1 - Functional GenomicsChapter 24.2 - ProteomicsChapter 24.3 - BioinformaticsChapter 25 - Medical Genetics And CancerChapter 25.1 - Inheritance Patterns Of Genetic DiseasesChapter 25.2 - Detection Of Disease-causing Alleles Via HaplotypesChapter 25.3 - Genetic Testing And ScreeningChapter 25.4 - PrionsChapter 25.5 - Genetic Basis Of CancerChapter 25.6 - Personalized MedicineChapter 26 - Developmental GeneticsChapter 26.1 - Overview Of Animal DevelopmentChapter 26.2 - Invertebrate DevelopmentChapter 26.3 - Vertebrate DevelopmentChapter 26.4 - Plant DevelopmentChapter 26.5 - Sex Determination In AnimalsChapter 27 - Population GeneticsChapter 27.1 - Genes In Populations And The Hardy-weinberg EquationChapter 27.2 - Overview Of MicroevolutionChapter 27.3 - Natural SelectionChapter 27.4 - Genetic DriftChapter 27.5 - MigrationChapter 27.6 - Nonrandom MatingChapter 27.7 - Sources Of New Genetic VariationChapter 28 - Complex And Quantitative TraitsChapter 28.1 - Overview Of Complex And Quantitative TraitsChapter 28.2 - Statistical Methods For Evaluating Quantitative TraitsChapter 28.3 - Polygenic InheritanceChapter 28.4 - Identification Of Genes That Control Quantitative TraitsChapter 28.5 - HeritabilityChapter 28.6 - Selective BreedingChapter 29 - Evolutionary GeneticsChapter 29.1 - Origin Of SpeciesChapter 29.2 - Phylogenetic TreesChapter 29.3 - Molecular Evolution

Book Details

Genetics: Analysis and Principles is a one-semester, introductory genetics textbook that takes an experimental approach to understanding genetics. By weaving one or two experiments into the narrative of each chapter, students can simultaneously explore the scientific method and understand the genetic principles that have been learned from these experiments.

Rob Brooker, author of market leading texts in Genetics and Intro Biology for majors, brings his clear and accessible writing style to this latest edition.

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