Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, 6e WileyPLUS (next generation) + Loose-leaf - 6th Edition - by Connie Allen, Valerie Harper - ISBN 9781119490906

Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physi...
6th Edition
Connie Allen, Valerie Harper
Publisher: Wiley (WileyPLUS Products)
ISBN: 9781119490906

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1. Acromial end: The acromial end is the flattened lateral end. It is anchored to the coracoid...Fibrous joints: This joint does not have synovial cavity but connected by dense fibrous connective...The fascicles are bundles of skeletal muscles that are enveloped by connective tissues, which is...The SO fibers contract gradually as well as use aerobic metabolism for the production of ATPs. Thus,...1. Frontalis: It is a thin, quadrilateral form of muscle which is categorized as the frontal belly...Schwann cell: The Schwann cell is a glial cell that plays an important role in supporting the PNS....The transverse section of the spinal cord shows the following structures: 1. Dura mater and...The spinal nerves function like “telephone lines” and bring back and forth messages between the body...The reflexes are the involuntary, rapid, motor responses to the external stimulus. The nerve...Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the biggest and the most complicated among all the regions and structures...The study and development of systems in order to improve and assist the memory is known as...1. Right sympathetic trunk ganglia: The sympathetic trunk ganglia are a paired bundle of nerve...1. Type I cutaneous mechanoreceptor: They are free nerve endings located in the skin and is...1. Conjunctival fold: The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane. The eyelids’ inner surface and...1. Hypothalamus: It is located in the brain below the thalamus and acts as a control center that...The blood groups are differentiated based on the blood group antigens found the blood cell’s surface...The structures of the anterior view of the heart is reviewed as follows: Right auricle: It is the...The major components of the cardiac conduction system are the SA node, Purkinje fibers, AV node,...The structure of the muscular arteries is composed of the following: Tunica interna: The tunica...Right common carotid: The right common carotid artery is smaller than the left. It emerges from the...In the above-given figure, the blood capillary, interstitial fluid, lymphatic capillary, and tissue...Pharynx: It is a cone-shaped passageway behind the oral as well as the nasal cavities and above the...1. Sternocleidomastoid: A strap-like muscle that is situated on the lateral and the anterior portion...The alimentary canal starts from the mouth or buccal cavity where mastication takes place. This...Macromolecules are defined as giant molecules that consist of thousands of molecules. There are four...Pictorial representation: The organs of the female urinary system are given in the Fig.1. Fig.1: The...The filtrate from the proximal convoluted tubule travels to the descending limb of the loop of...Structures of the testes that are depicted in the diagram are as follows: 1. Cremaster muscle: It is...The ovaries are paired structures that release the ovum. They are held in position by three...1. Secondary oocyte: The primary oocyte undergoes meiosis I to form secondary oocyte. 2....Incomplete dominance refers to the form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele cannot be...

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