LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN ORGANIC CHEMIS - 4th Edition - by Mohrig - ISBN 2819260096009

4th Edition
Publisher: MPS PUB
ISBN: 2819260096009


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The aqueous solution of two solvents contains a non-polar ethyl ether and highly polar water. Both...Among CaCl2 and CaCl2.H2O, CaCl2 is a more effective drying agent as it is anhydrous so it can react...Hexane and pentane are mutually soluble in each other and their solution boil at a temperature...Given Information: The refractive index for the compound at 20 °C is 1.3191. The formula to...To determine the melting point of a sample the capillary tube is filled with a sample with one end...Characteristics of good recrystallization solvent are as follows: Solvents boiling point must be...Benzoic acid is a liquid at room temperature so it can be easily purified using the...Given Information: A sample of 2-butanol has a specific rotation is +3.25° . The specific rotation...When two samples have identical R f values, it should not be concluded that the compounds are the...The packing of a column is an important factor for the success of the chromatographic separation in...The separation of mixtures during gas chromatography is due to the interaction of compounds present...The absorption by a particular bond vibration appears as peak at definite positions in the IR...Double bond equivalent(DBE) can be calculated as follows: DBE=C+N−H−X2+1 Where, C is the number of...The decoupled 13C NMR signals of a compound that is pure tell about the number of different kinds of...To assign the molecular weights to compounds the rule of thirteen is utilized in mass spectrometry....According to Planck's law, energy absorbed is inversely related to the wavelength of the transition....

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