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Apr 3, 2024





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Product description and strategy including branding and packaging Pricing strategy and price list McDonald’s Gurtaj Singh 200544174 Gautam Singh 200544018 Branding, packaging, and product description and strategy: One of the most renowned fast-food brands in the world, McDonald's, has established its reputation on a broad menu of delectable and practical options. Burgers, cheeseburgers, chicken and fish sandwiches, salads, breakfast dishes, fries, and drinks make up the majority of the menu. In order to adapt to shifting customer tastes and dietary trends over the years, the firm has consistently changed its product offerings. Maintaining uniformity in aroma and quality across its extensive worldwide network of restaurants is another priority for McDonald's. The following fundamental ideas form the foundation of the company's product strategy: 1. McDonald's maintains uniformity across the board in both the products it offers and the ways they are prepared. Customers may get the same experience wherever they go thanks to this strategy.
2. Menu Adaptation: While the core products remain consistent, McDonald's tailors its menu to suit regional tastes and cultural preferences. For example, in some countries, you may find unique offerings like the McPike Paneer Burger in India or the Teriyaki Burger in Japan. 3. Innovation: McDonald's frequently introduces limited-time offers and seasonal items to keep customers excited and encourage them to visit regularly. Packaging and branding The crimson backdrop and the iconic golden arches of McDonald's have come to represent the company. Deeply engrained in popular culture, the "I'm Lovin' It" jingle and tagline support the positive associations that people have with McDonald's cuisine. The company's branding approach aims to appeal to a wide audience, including families, kids, and young people, by projecting a sense of pleasure, joy, and camaraderie. A key component of McDonald's branding strategy is packaging. The firm employs uniform packaging designs with the familiar red and yellow hue pattern throughout its international stores. The McDonald's logo, brand name, and tagline are highlighted on the packaging, which helps consumers recall and recall the company. Additionally, the packaging is made to be practical so that customers can eat on the move without worrying about spills.
Price List and Pricing Strategy: According to particular regions and regional economic realities, McDonald's pricing strategy combines value-based pricing and competitive pricing. While continuing to be profitable, the corporation wants to provide inexpensive solutions. A broad description of McDonald's pricing policy is provided below, along with a sample price list (the prices given are hypothetical and may not correspond to actual prices): Offerings of High Quality: Although McDonald's is renowned for its affordable menu, it also provides high-quality menu items with more expensive price tags. These premium options, which appeal to patrons ready to spend extra for an improved eating experience, may include higher-quality ingredients, bigger quantities, or distinctive odours. McDonald's uses its delivery services and mobile app to give special offers and discounts. The McDelivery and Mobile App Promotions. Through targeted marketing, this method hopes to persuade clients for harnessing these services, boosting revenue and cultivating customer loyalty. Value Meals: For a lower cost than purchasing the items separately, McDonald's provides combo meals that contain a burger or sandwich, fries, and a drink. For instance:
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