1. How is leadership different today than 30 years ago?
It was describing as an ability to control others. Now days, it describes as a characteristics and traits which allow the leader to effect the group.
2. Describe how leadership is a process and the variables that impact this process.
Leadership is process means it is steps start from the easiest to the hardiest. Likewise, leadership is a circle contained members of group and there is no top for this system.
3. Describe the differences and similarities between leadership and management.
Management is related to rules and doing the tasks. The successful manager who does exactly what he has to do.
The leader related more with the relations. The relationship between the leader and the members of
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Honesty, equality and devotion are the most effective ethics in the leadership.
7. Describe the aspects you would consider when developing your personal code of ethics.
I will focus on the equality; everybody has to have his chance to provide himself.
8. Discuss the relational aspect of the leadership process.
Effectiveness, charisma and group work are relational aspect of the leadership process.
Effectiveness means the leader has the ability to affect each member of the group to work for the group goals.
Charisma mans the leader has his own traits that allow him to lead the group such as planning, solving problems and time management.
Group work means the leader has the ability to work with the group. The relationship between the group has to be reciprocal. So, the leader does not lead the group; he works with them.
9. Describe the two primary methodologies one can use to answer a research question.
Answers for research questions have to be related to the question. Then, the answer has to be proved.
10. Describe the importance of conducting a literature review and its impact on the leadership
The Groups Dynamics of a team can be effected if the category of leadership is not in place. Leadership means “the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.” In order to be a good leader you must have a strong value that you can give to your team. A good leader must have strong values to pass on to their team. At the top of the teams hierarchy is a leader, so that the leader can put input towards everything the team does, so that the team would be successful because the leader controls and guides the team.
'''Leadership''' is the ability to persuade others toward the actions of one's own choosing. A person, who employs this ability often, or formally, is known as a '''leader'''. There are several different types of leaders, and it's not uncommon for a group to have multiple leaders arranged in a hierarchy. (Note: This is a prototype page of leadership qualities in the characters from the Walking Dead Telltales Game based on the corresponding page on Lostpedia)
According to Business Dictionary.com, leadership is defined as the individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively. It also can be define as the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves the establishing of a clear vision, sharing the vision with other so that they will follow willingly, providing the needed information, knowledge, and methods to realize the vision and coordinating and balancing the conflicts interests of all members and stakeholders.
From Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela’s charisma, to Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King’s intelligence and Steve Jobs’ analytical nature, there can be as numerous ways to lead as there are leaders (Crossman, 2010). Leadership is a hot debate both in the business world and other areas of the society. Throughout the world's, there have been as many leadership models as there have been their commentators (Burns & Peltason, 1966). Fortunately, psychologists and businesspersons have established useful frameworks that refer to the main ways of leadership.
What is management? According to Kinicki Williams textbook “Management, management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization resources (Ch. 1, pg. 5 Management: A practical introduction). I believe in order to be an effective manager you must be a positive, goal orient, organized individual. I also believe an effective manager is an individual that motivates their staff and leads by example. I believe all managers should follow the management process.
Before this course I thought leader is someone who has a power and authority which can derive other people and manage their affairs. Also, leaders can make a decision about events and different situation. Moreover, leaders can solve a problem. Also, I thought leadership process is () process and only leader is responsible of succeed and fail. After this class and read all subjects my point view of leadership process has changed and developed. I thought leadership is the leader of country, but after this course I gained that leadership consist of lead a group, team, country, or organization. My understanding was that leadership is that followers help him/her to
Leaders foster coordinated effort and fabricate lively groups. They effectively include others. Leaders comprehend that shared admiration is the thing that maintains phenomenal efforts; they endeavor to make a climate of trust and human nobility. They fortify others, making every individual feel proficient and intense.
An effective leader is someone who is passionate about their goals and knows how to motivate, inspire, and influence others to come together and work as one to reach a common goal and conduct compelling and important changes. The realization of some kind of qualitative or quantitative result because of the actions and influences of an organizations leader is essentially how to evaluate their effectiveness. The characteristics of effectiveness, of course, depend on the goals of the leader and the organization. The fundamental characteristics of what makes an effective leader are mostly universal, however, the characteristics of leader effectiveness from one organization to another may have unique
Although leadership is certainly a form of power, it is not demarcated by power over people – rather, it is a power with people that exists as a reciprocal relationship between a leader and his/her followers.
Effectiveness of leadership rest solely on the style of leadership that the leader embraces. Many times it is also contingent upon the framework of leadership. This simply suggests that dissimilar leadership styles are applicable in different situations. In order to be effective, one must possess an array of skills, influence, traits, behaviors, values, motivation and relationships with followers. Effectiveness of leadership is also the result of the mind, body, soul and spirit coming together to be a visionary, passionate, flexible, inspiring, innovative, courageous, experimental, and initiates change. Effective leadership means are centered on creating an invigorating environment that is safe, fair, and consistent for all. The aforementioned statements
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individual to achieve a common goal. Leadership has also been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support the others in the accomplishment of a common task". The leader may or may not have any formal authority. Students of leadership have produced theories involving traits,[2] situational interaction, function, behavior, power, vision and values,[3] charisma, and intelligence, among others. Somebody whom people follow: somebody who guides or directs others. The sources of power to a leader would be,
Management is a key part in any organizations. Managers are the people that make the decisions that affect everybody below them.This job is very demanding and requires people to be attentive to their surroundings, situations, and their co-workers to be truly effective. Naturally, not every person is going to manage a group of workers the same way, but there are predefined terms to describe how managers manage. There is the autocratic style, the democratic style, the chaotic style, and management by walking around.
Management has been defined in a very simple but comprehensive way as the art of getting things done through people. According to Peter F. Drucker, “management is the specific and distinguishing organ of any and all organizations”. (Domènec, 2011) Good management is organized, managed and establish organizational structure. It is clear about the relationship between job and position, so that the members of the
Human is a species of living organism which have the largest population on the earth. One of the human nature is we are always tend to live in a group to develop a society or organization to achieve a common goal which usually refer to a better living standard of life. When a group or organization has formed, a leader will automatically choose out to be the ‘head’ of overall groups. As for example: from the past a chief from a tribe, a king of an emperor, and till the modern world now a president of a country. A leader is important for any groups, organization, or country because he/she have the power to influence the follower to strive towards the achievement of groups goals.