Strategic Analysis Project
Airheads Trampoline Arena
26th July 2012
Table of contents
Executive Summary 7
Introduction 9
Family Entertainment Center Industry 9
Market Size 9
Sales Growth 10
Stages of Industry Life Cycle 11
Trend 12
Key Competitors 12
Pest Analysis 13
Exhibit 1: Factors of the PEST Analysis 14
Political and Legal Factors 14
Economic Factors 16
Socio-Cultural Factors 20
Technological Factors 21
PEST Analysis Conclusion 22
Porter’s Five Forces 24
Threat of New Entrants 24
Exhibit 2: Barriers to Entry Checklist 24
New Entrants Conclusion
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This firm falls within the family entertainment center (FEC) industry and opened its first location in 2010. Currently, the business has three open locations: Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Orlando. It offers services specifically for trampoline usage but also diversifies by providing an arcade and a café. During 2011 the company’s revenue was higher than expected,
There are several different types of business ownership which are most commonly used in business’ and company’s today, these include; Co-operative which is a business owned by its employees, Partnership which is a business owned by between 2 and 20 people, Private limited which is a business owner by a small groups of people who have shares and a Public limited business is owned by private individuals by shares bought and sold on the stock market. A charity is a business with the purpose to help the public, the government is a business owned by the government and lastly a sole trader which is a business owned by only one person.
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Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 7 Sections.
M1 - Compare the purposes of the different documents used in the selection and recruitment process
M2(Unit 37) - Assess the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity
There are many different paths people can take throughout their lives. In the novel, Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, the main character, Dunstan Ramsey, takes the path of the Canadian hero. There are many different steps to be taken by the hero and Dunstan Ramsey follows his path by completing each step.
When we first step into a new business like Exit, we find out that not a lot of people are doing business just to offer a place for fun, enjoyment and relaxation. However, EXIT did it. Even though it has a very unity vision of business model, it also brings a high risk in a business cycles. Firstly, Exit is a company that hosts real life gaming experiences. They have their own mission statements like “a place where the fantasy world appears before your eyes. From the moment you step in, you’ll be transported to a universe of your wildest imagination. There are endless possibilities when you choose to explore the world of EXIT, where you can display your marvels and artistry in many ways.” In other words, they said they’re the ultimate playground for you to battle and conquer our Game Master. Secondly, Exit’s major customers are groups of young adults and students. They try to narrow down the market share in a whole great Richmond
Change is the most crucial aspect of management. In a rapid competitive business environment, change is not only recurrent but also becoming complex. The case study Bega Cheese highlights how the firm has achieved change management from satisfying the needs of local market to being limited company of more than 50 countries globally. Through the case study, it is seen that Bega Cheese has undergone different stages of change process by implementing various effective cultural perspectives, to traditionally organizational designs concerning with structures and new forms, processes and boundaries to adapt to organizational change and eliminate resistance to change. Change is inevitable, and vital to achieve strategic objectives and competitive
Airborne Express the current underdog in the express mail business has been able to compete with market leaders due to innovation and optimization strategy. The company built on cutting cost and emphasizing reliability now faces pressure from the leaders UPS and FedEx to change their pricing strategy. This change from standard rate pricing to distance-based pricing puts Airborne in a dilemma in which they must choose to match the competition which will make them lose what sets them apart in the market or stay with the current strategy. Changing will increase their flexibility and could open them up to new consumers while staying the same
The Sealed Air corporation is committed to market leadership through technological innovation. Ten years ago, the company was first to market with a highly successful coated air-bubble packaging protection product, AirCap. However, market trends indicate a rapid displacement of coated bubble by a technologically inferior yet inexpensive uncoated product. Burgeoning demand for uncoated bubble poses a direct threat to the long-term viability of the technologically superior, premium priced AirCap.
When you develop messages, what factors should you consider as you choose your words? Which considerations do you think are most important? Why?
In this case, a good model of business ethics would include the plus model of decision-making. According to the model, it is
The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last decade changes that present extraordinary challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision-making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization.
Most of the people want to start their business with a small amount of money and turning it in to million-pound. There are number of British entrepreneurs who have started their businesses with small amounts and conducted their business very well. Philip green is one of those entrepreneurs who started his business with 20,000 GBP and now his business worth is 3.88 billion GBP. Philip Green is an inborn entrepreneur who retains 12% of the UK’s clothing merchandizing sector. It’s been a captivating learning about his growth to fashion trading authority and working out how he conducts business the Philip Green way. If we want to have a look of the local high street in UK, there must be at least one Philip Green owned fashion store. His Arcadia Territory is privately possessed by the Green family and is the second largest in the fashion zone in the UK after Marks & Spencer. So what does it take to turn out to be one of the UK’s utmost fruitful entrepreneurs and one of the leading designations in UK retailing? (Barclay, 2010)
Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living.