
Different Leadership Styles

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Leadership styles
1. Introduction Today's leaders are complex professionals, with multiple skill sets, who aim to integrate all of the organizational resources in an efficient manner in which the company becomes able to attain its pre-established objectives. Nowadays, a clear distinction is made between the leader and the manager within an institution, in the meaning that the manager is a more practical individual, focused on practical aspects, such as resource allocation, deadlines, costs and so on. The leader however, is more concentrated on the less tangible side of management, namely the motivation of the people. The modern day leader then is focused on motivating the people, driving them, inspiring them and stimulating them to increase their performances and support the company in the attainment of its overall objectives. Still, this distinction between leader and manager has not always been obvious, and for decades, the two concepts were used as synonyms. In fact, the practice of management and leadership is as old as time itself and the first references in this sense can be found in the Bible, in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids and in other various historic instances. Still, from the theoretical standpoint, the evolution of leadership is more modern. In such a setting, the current project sets out to assess and present the various leadership styles, as they emerged in their beginning, and as they have evolved through today. Some of the leadership

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