1. What factors have led to Janice Bowman’s current frustrations?
Janice Bowman joined The Garden Depot in 2005, after working as a general manager for one of the competitors. Although, Janice did not complain working seven days a week, she was concerned about the way the landscaping division was functioning. Some of the major causes of her frustration could be listed as:
1. Derek Sinclair: was the manager of the landscaping department & was unqualified for the job. He lacked the experience & skills needed to handle the responsibilities assigned to him. Thus, he demonstrated poor customer skills by not answering the customers calls
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Her doubts were confirmed when a sprinkler system went missing & the book-keeper narrated the story of how her friend purchased a state of the art sprinkler & got it installed at a cheaper rate, from a man named "Jayme". On expressing her concerns to Sinclair, he did not care to probe the matter ahead.
2. Consider the workplace culture at the Garden Depot. Is it contributing to the present problems Bowman is experiencing?
On assessing the work culture at Garden Depot, it is clear that there is lack of synchronization in the organization & there is inappropriate positioning of employees. This situation has led to a number of circumstances which have contributed to Bowman's worries. We can analyze them as:
1. Improper Recruitment & Lack of Training: Improper recruiting seems to be the major cause of mishap. The Depot recruits seasonal students who intend to leave in a short period. This causes quality & delivery inconsistency as they do not perform as well as a permanent employee. Unlike, an experienced senior employee, they constantly need to be supervised.
In addition to that, there is no proper guidance given to help these employees perform well. Since, there is a constant turnover of employees, it becomes difficult to train them. Also, training is
My recommendation is to fire Sinclair and hire M. Bowman as this course of action would best suit the company, and give the depot the best chance of realizing its goals. This process would include a hiring period, and a period of time in which M. Bowman familiarizes himself with his department and correct any wrongdoings erected by Sinclair. M. Bowman’s starting salary would be $75, 000 per year, with the optional yearly bonus and additional increase at the end of his contract.
Many times people hired do not end up staying, leaving the organization understaffed and out the expense of the classes the employees received.
easy, it takes a long time to get your employees to the place where they want to work and are
The organization we chose is Whole Foods Market, a supermarket chain which is focused on the organic and healthy foods. The topic of our information gathering interview is organizational cultures, and the goal of this interview is analyzing how does the organizational culture affect the communication within this company, like the working atmosphere, the way the employers communicated with others, and the way the leader communicated with employers.
The problem of the high employee rate is a large issue. This mainly because the reduction in the turnover of employees will definitely increased profitability keeping it easier to obtain future sales. This issue
difficult to discipline or fire ineffective employee but it is more difficult to manage workers that
The sixth problem, they have outdated Human Resource policies. We can know this as our company is having many difficulties. For example, lack of trust between employees and department,
In Joe Doss’ case, there are problems at the individual, departmental / supervisor, and organizational level. The problems are as follows:
1.1 Briefly define different types of organizational culture. How would you describe the culture at Greescape? Under the different types of culture, what type of culture, do you think is evident in Greenscape?
Gardening is a beneficial aspect of anyone’s day to day life. It’s something that is enjoyable for the elderly, young children, single people, and married couples. Gardening is also a way to bring the family together. Whether the garden is for aesthetic or utilitarian purposes, the hard work put into the garden is worthwhile. Gardens can provide financial relief, a healthier diet, and a healthier lifestyle. Gardening could also be a great life lesson that is carried and passed on through generations.
Inadequate training by employers does not provide the tools necessary for competent job performance. Previous experience is helpful, but you expect your employees to work according to the practices instituted by your company, not someone else’s business establishment. Have a written job description for each position in your company. Include in the description exactly how you expect your employees to interact with your customers and make compliance with your policies mandatory.
In a production plant there is a of many microcultures within an organization broken down in different groups such as production, engineering, and leadership groups. For this paper I will describe the microcultures within the production as they share the same training of corporate culture as the other groups the culture within the group is very different. I have worked in production for many years and for the last ten months have been part of the leadership group therefore I will approach the paper using participation observation.
Another lack of good communication excellence was when the customer support team that was handpicked by Ruggero were
A major factor behind employees not being able to do justice to their potential might be the lack of direction they have to cope with.