
Helping Challenges of Urban India Woman with Higher Education

Decent Essays

Research question/objectives
When I first proposed this study I wanted to know why are there a greater number of girls dropping out of a higher education than boys do. I realised that this was not a path breaking question but since I did not want to dwell into a path-breaking aspect in my first internship in this sphere I thought I would be a good idea to understand the obvious and then go ahead with newer ideas. I wanted to use this internship as a platform for my future projects that will be will women and development, if it is left only to my wishes. I am genuinely interested to work in this sector. In a way my generalised question helped me understand the larger picture better and also forced me to think in manner that was a little …show more content…

Through its various programmes notably through the Empowering Dreams Project it provides financial and other such assistances to help secure the future of the girl child. The Empowering Dreams Project (EDP) is for 3 years. Typically girls pursue their graduation while being a part of this project. Almost all girls that I have interacted during the course of this study were a part of the EDP.

I initially wished to conduct the study on the basis of informal interactions of interviews. Prior experience had taught me that it is rare that participants of the study are extremely comfortable answering a lengthy questionnaire. Therefore I wanted to do away with the questionnaire. But senior employees of Akshara made me realise that it might not be such a bad idea to get a basic understanding of the issue through a questionnaire. Therefore I kept the questionnaire as the last thing as part of the methodology. I had undertaken informal interactions then had gone into full-fledged interviews and then administered a questionnaire.

It was however, the informal interactions that taught me the most. I was glad that I could meet both sections. There are several girls that I interacted with but many of them have not filled out the questionnaire. Of the 30-40 girls that I did meet only 22 of them have filled out a questionnaire. Of these 6 of them are from female headed-households. Almost 95% of the gilrs in teracted

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