Final Project Proposal: Lack of Employee Motivation Due to Improper Leadership
Chastity Couvertier
American Public University
Final Project Proposal: Lack of Employee Motivation Due to Improper Leadership
Dorado Beach, a Ritz Carlton Reserve located in Dorado, Puerto Rico is the second Ritz-Carlton brand reserve resort of the Ritz-Carlton hotel and resort chain, the first reserve resort is located on Phulay Bay, Thailand another nation with a tropical climate similar to Puerto Rico. The Ritz-Carlton brand’s reputation is to provide the utmost quality service towards their guests. However, since they opened their doors in 2012 the service has not been on a par to other Ritz-Carlton hotels nor with the other reserve location based over in Thailand. There is continuous training in regards of the companies Gold Standards throughout the year, which, is to reinforce a positive organizational culture at the resort property. These Gold Standards, in which, are the instruments that are provided to the employees and are used to deliver exceptional service to our guests.
The resort provides an excellent service and the facilities are one of a kind but, there is a vast amount of employees are not following the company Gold Standards and are unmotivated employees due to various reasons. The elemental and primordial reason due to the lack of motivation is due to the poor and improper leadership from the managers of the resort. Improper leadership leads towards a lack of quality
The company has a staff of 11 people qualified according to the standard of PADI and NAUI where the resort is affiliated which generate a fix cost of salaries and wages of 27,36% from the total expenses which require the necessity of generating cash flow in order to pay them and to keep the business alive. As we're talking about selling services the cost of goods sold is below 1%, which is good. Coral have to improve the collaboration within local industry and within the team by creating a sense on ownership for different activities which will allow each team member to identify changing circumstances easier. They should also improve on Knowledge Integration (new tourism packages & implementation in Operations) and sharing amongst team members.
employee what needs to be done and how much effort will need to be made.
The management problem is about a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Precision Imaging Centers (PIC), which affects the corporate guidance, display ineffective communication skills, lack of employee motivation, presents questionable actions of moral leadership, and inspire the need for corporate change. First of all, the CEO does not present a mission for the PICs corporation and no vision can be formed; therefore, lacks corporate direction and lacks supportive communication within the organization. Secondly, the officer displays ineffective communication skills with department managers and the actions prove to be an obstacle, which effect interpersonal and conceptual skills throughout the company. In addition, the
Leaders who participate in dishonest practices regularly make an environment of recompense inside of the association that is helpful for deviant worker conduct that parallels that of the pioneer (Trevino and Brown, 2005). Employees will watch the moral judgment of their CEO or overseeing chief and are frequently liable to mirror, regardless of the possibility that such impersonation constitutes acting unscrupulously. Generally, regardless of whether a pioneer is compensated for his or her conduct will likewise help focus the probability of representative impersonation. A few powers make despicable comments, verbally ill-use, exclude, and put down their subordinates. Exploration and media reports recommend that turning into a casualty of leaders ' coldhearted treatment is a negative ordeal for workers, impeding to their prosperity and the proficiency of the association. Abuse by leaders has been alluded to in a few ways, including interpersonal shamefulness, oppressive supervision social undermining, oppression, and tormenting (Hoel & Cooper, 2001). Albeit every conceptualization has unpretentious contrasts, they all include workers ' observations that some of their principal mental needs are hindered by a power figure. Abused workers react contrarily to pioneer abuse and are more prone to take part in freak conduct, damaging standards of thoughtful behavior and of productive creation (Bennett & Robinson, 2000). These standard
I can reflect with much pride where these two children are today; how they have developed spiritually and academically, and to think God used me to help lay the foundation is eternally rewarding. But as with any good deed done, there is always a negative folks will attempt to label your efforts with, mine wasn’t any different.
Leadership which is not motivating employees. The use of the autocratic leadership style has limited value in the hotel sector and specifically the front desk, as it does not allow employees the discretion they need to deal with different jobs and queries.
The management team is the liaison between the overall strategic vision and the employees who perform the work. Companies depend on their managers to lead the business in a positive direction, while tending to the employees needs and concerns. A strong bond between these two groups allows the day-to-day tasks to be achieved, without the “noise” associated with workplace negativity. Management that is unable to lead their employees in a productive and positive way put at risk the stability of the organization.
Now considering to this case study of Dwelling Hotels and Suites as we might reckon that some of the reasons why the morale of the employees was low due to low pay scale and above all no appreciation or incentives on their success. Many companies really care about the profit but businesses are run by humans who are working inside the business. The amount of pain and hard work an employee puts to achieve his or her goal should always be appreciated as that might not only increases the productivity but also self confidence of employees in whole. Human nature varies drastically if he is motivated or demotivated. If any employee is praised in front of his staff that might increase his self belief and would try to give good results in future. At times this might create jealous among other employees. But as we have mentioned before that it seems that Gemba Walk is missing in
Have you ever had to work for a management team that was not effective? If you have, then you may understand some topics I will cover in this writing and learn how to overcome them. Some problems with non-effective management teams are that most managers are simply not as effective as they appear to be. “Organizations continue to experience the same problems again and again as they play "musical chairs" as their naïve solution to this deep-rooted, sustained performance problem costing them dearly in terms of what’s left on the table that could be achieved” (Michael O 'Connor). Organizations tend not to recognize these issues and “move” managers around to find a fit for them in a group where they can be successful. It seems that the most common reasons managers are not effective are 1. They simply cannot deliver results, 2. They don’t work well with others or 3. They lack adaptability to organizational changes. I will explore these issues and compare them to my real life experience, and then explain how to overcome them so you can be successful in your work place.
The Expectancy Theory of Motivation explains the factors or the levels of which employees are motivated. There is a direct correlation of an employee’s trend to act in a scenario is dependent on the expectation the act will render. There are three key components and relationships in the expectancy theory. Effort-performance, Performance-reward, and Rewards-personal goals relationship are the three factors that define this correlation. These three will be discussed in detail accompanied by a proposed application for the given scenario.
After analysing the main issues, we have come to the conclusion that the best way to approach the issues is by using the components of High And Low commitment.
The causes of the problems were mainly lack of a common objective between the managers and also lack of a proper system in place to face problems such as corruption and bribery. The recommendations suggested might be the answer
One of the main tasks of the enterprises of various forms of ownership and spheres of activity - the search for effective ways to manage labor to ensure the activation of the human factor and achieve the best production results. The company «Hyatt Hotels Corporation» is today one of the leading companies offering hotel services. The company, headed more than 500 hotels all over the world, is of great interest as an object of study of the corporate culture, because it includes a huge number of employees (more than 30 thousand people). Hyatt Hotels and Resorts are distinguished unsurpassed quality of services precisely because of its staff. At the heart of the corporate principles of the company have the task to give our employees
The advanced project will give m a solid base of knowledge about how members of an organization are motivated to complete its various projects (critical projects and otherwise). This knowledge base will make me more equipped to spot problems in my own style of leadership, as well as in the organization I try to lead. And spotting such problems is, of course, a
In today’s turbulent, often chaotic environment, commercial success depends on employees using their full talents. Yet in spite of the available theories and practices, managers often view motivation as something of a mystery. How are employees motivated? What are other companies doing to motivate employees and is it possible to motivate employees without money? These are questions that need to be answered.