
Personal Narrative: When Should I Upgrade My Apple Device?

Decent Essays

When should I upgrade my Apple device? The most frequent question I receive is “should I upgrade my iPad/iPhone when a new version comes out?” It all depends on a few key questions: are you locked into a carrier contract and can you wait to get into the release cycle that will provide you the most benefit? If you desire to be on the cutting edge with the latest and greatest, then you answered your question. Let’s first look at the iPad. iPad The iPad is not impacted by the carrier question because you are not locked into a 2-year contract. Cellular data for the iPad (if you have the hardware option) is on a month-to-month basis. I recommend always including the cellular version over the WiFi only. Having the version that supports cellular provides you with GPS and the flexibly of adding a data connection when you may be in an area that doesn’t support free WiFi. You never know …show more content…

The original iPad was revolutionary, but it lacks a lot compared to newer versions. It does not include cameras and the other features you would now expect in a device. Apple released the New iPad (3) in early 2012. The 3 had some very minimal upgrades over the iPad 2. Within six months Apple released the iPad (4) with Retina display. This version had significant upgrades including display quality, processor speed, and HD cameras. It is expected a newer version (5) will be released in fall 2013 with a thinner profile and updated cameras. These features are not significant enough to change, and I would skip this release and wait for the release of the iPad 6. The iPad Mini is for individuals that like or desire the smaller display. As it turns out the Mini does not support the better Retina display. It is expected Apple will include the Retina feature in the next release. The best upgrade path for the IPad would be version 2, 4, and then 6 when released or the next iPad Mini expected in fall

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