
Self Assessment

Decent Essays

In the activity of self-assessment, I learned that developing emotional intelligence is my highest score. I scored high in this category because throughout my life I have seen shows and movies that talk about the different emotional problems a person goes through and how it should be handled. My parents would often talk to me about how they handled their emotional problem by talking about how they dealt with death of a friend or when they feel troubled to help me in my time of need. Out of all my highest scores one that surprised me is discovering self-motivation because I’ve never found purpose in my life yet. I disagree with self-motivation because I don’t have a meaningful goal to pursue yet. I only follow what society tells me which is …show more content…

I scored believing in myself as the lowest because I always hated myself when I do something stupid or when I failed others. Whenever I do something weird or did something that affects others I can always imagine as to what they say about me by the look in their faces. I can feel the hate people might have when I am annoying or do something they might hate. The lowest scores I got had no surprises for me due to me already knowing what problems I have. My other low scores were accepting personal responsibility and mastering self-management. Accepting personal responsibility is very hard for me. My whole family is very arrogant and don’t like to be blame or proven wrong so admitting responsibility is quite troublesome. Mastering self-management is very hard for me. Planning isn’t my strong suit because I’m so lazy in trying to prepare. Even when I do plan I am either too early and don’t know what to do and get lazy or am too late. Some changes I want to make during this course is my self-management because I need to plan well to manage my time. I also want to improve personal responsibility because I want to get my arrogance out of the way to improve myself. People need to know I am a nice person and not person who is above it all. I cannot improve believing in myself until I can improve my other assessment. Only then will I might have a chance to be a better person that I

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