
Separation of Ferrocene and Acetylferrocene by Chromatography

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1. To prepare a dry-packed sample of product mixture of ferrocene and Acetylferrocene
2. To separate and purify the components in the product mixture by column chromatography.
3. To check the purity of the components by thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
4. To calculate the yield of acetylferrocene and the percent recovery of unreacted ferrocene.

Table of Quantity showing various physical properties
Type of substance Molecular Formula Molecular Weight (g/mol) Density(g/cm3) M.P.(oC) B.P.(oC) Solubility
Ferrocene C10H10Fe 186.03 1.49 172 oC-174 oC 249oC Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvent
Acetyl-ferrocene C12H12FeO 228.08 - 81 oC -83 oC 161 oC - 163 oC (at 4 mm) Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in …show more content…

The eluting solvent passed down the column by the gravity and an equilibrium was established between the solute absorbed by the absorbent (silica gel in this experiment) and the eluting solving flowing down. Since the components in the sample had different polarity and they interacted with the stationary phase and the mobile phase differently, the components would be carried by the solvent to a different extent and a separation of the components could be achieved.

In this column chromatography, acetylferrocene was more polar, therefore was held by the silica gel more tightly and moved through the column more slowly when the eluting solvent was nonpolar hexane. Increasing the polarity of the solvent would move all components faster. That explained when the solvent was switched to the more

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