
Team Building Importance

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When we think of teamwork, we think of common goals of a team for which every member of the team works. Each member is equally responsible for achieving the team goals. Bringing a group of individuals together and make them work together to achieve a common goal is the essence of team building. In order for us to succeed, we need to succeed as a team. An organisation is team of teams. Team building is a process where different activities are undertaken to establish positive communication among team members and encourage them to work hand-in-hand for better performance of the team. It aims to leave no room for disputes among team members and keep their morale high. It is an effort in which a team studies its own processes of working together and work to create an environment that encourages and values the contributions of team members. Their energies are directed towards problem solving, task effectiveness, and maximising the use of resources of the members to achieve team’s goals. To be more productive, individuals need to be more flexible in identifying the characteristics of the team. It is also said that collaborative culture of an employee in a team create an environment where every contribution is recognized and valued, which in turn drives productivity and success. …show more content…

There are many situations within the team when team communication becomes vital. A team may be charged with creating a new product or making a process improvement, or something as simple as planning the summer picnic. Strong team communication skills can aid in building relationships and ensure the sharing of new ideas and best practices. Let us now look at a few reasons why communication is important in a

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