
The Importance Of Lifelong Learning

Decent Essays

In a developing world, in which society and technology are evolving at an exponential rate, lifelong learning has become in the way to promote personal development and enhance social incorporation. Knowledge is not acquired only in classrooms or in any educative institution, but in reality, knowledge is obtained by engaging and interacting with a society that grows along the world. Therefore, it is important to understand of the need for, and the ability to engage in lifelong learning. This process happens on a daily basis and is the responsibility of each person to engage in a continuous learning process.

For many people who engage in higher education, it is believed that the learning process stops when a title, degree, or diploma is …show more content…

Many European countries want 15% of all adults that are in ages between 25 and 64 to participate in at least one learning activity (Ellen p.3). For developing countries, lifelong learning activities promote literacy skills and better opportunities in employment promoting economic growth among the population.

After the first decade of the 21st century, Lifelong learning has become in the primary tool to face common global challenges such as poverty, economic breakdowns, and climate change (10.1007, p.xlix). The importance of embracing lifelong education allows people to understand this issues with better self knowledge and how to respond to them with confidence. An example of lifelong learning implementation is Hungary. In the 1990s, the Hungarian government proposed a national modernization plan, in which substantial resources were used to improve regional equality in rural areas, promote self-sustaining development in communities, and facilitate labor market flexibility. This was accomplished by adopting lifelong learning as a way of re-training communities in rural areas (9199 p.52) . Access to this education was found in vocational education systems and in enterprises willing to invest in work based training providing better skills to their employees; some of these companies contributed about 1.5% of their total payroll (9199 p.58).

The outcomes and benefits

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