Organic Experiments - 9th Edition - by Kenneth L. Williamson - ISBN 9780618308422

Organic Experiments
9th Edition
Kenneth L. Williamson
Publisher: Brooks Cole
ISBN: 9780618308422

Solutions for Organic Experiments

Book Details

This text for the 2-semester introductory organic chemistry lab offers a series of clear and concise experiments that encourage accurate observation and deductive reasoning. An engaging prose and a focus on biochemical and biomedical applications render the narrative ideally suited for the mainstream organic chemistry laboratory. Emphasis is placed on safety and the disposal of hazardous waste.

Pre-lab exercises, marginal notes, clear line drawings, and questions help retain student interest and comprehension from lesson to lesson. This new edition includes "In this experiment" objectives that clarify the goals of procedures. Optional, additional "For Further Investigation" features offer an in-depth exploration of the chemical principles presented. Students may also determine the precise structure of molecules using the "Computational Chemistry" computer-based calculations.

  • New! This edition includes material on mass spectroscopy in Chapter 14.
  • The experiments presented make use of less costly and safe solvents.
  • Extensive references to relevant Websites allow students to further explore chemical concepts.
  • A supplementary Instructor's Guide contains assessments of the relative difficulty of--and time needed for--each experiment, as well as trouble-shooting tips, answers to end-of-chapter questions, a list of chemicals and apparatus required for each experiment per student and per 24-hour student laboratory, sources of supply for unusual items, and a guide for the hardware and software needed for running computational chemistry and molecular mechanics experiments.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

6th Edition
ISBN: 9780100783690
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781285923437
6th Edition
ISBN: 8220100783692

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