
Case Study Of Brunt France

Decent Essays

(Activity A) Based on the information you have at the end of Part 1, what do you think the key priorities should be? (use your own words - do not copy and paste from the text)

Brunt Hotels, PLC, plans to franchise a small chain of hotels in France, however, this is a new venture and the organization has no prior experience in executing these tasks. With the available information provided in the case study, the key priorities in managing the new hotels in France will be analyzed in this report. First, the consultants have to make arrangements to train the existing managers who are interested in working in France. The training process has to cover language, communication skills, etiquettes in France, hospitality, marketing and business strategies …show more content…

This is a first time venture, and therefore, the management positions are vacant and must be filled immediately, in order to kick off operations as soon as possible. In addition, existing managers are required for this position. Here is a copy of the recruitment advertisement, please endeavor to respond as soon as possible.
Job Brief
Brunt Hotels, PLC, is seeking to recruit experienced managers who are willing to travel abroad to supervise and control the operations of small chains of Hotels that were recently opened in France. The manager must be able to direct and corporate the other members of the staff and must enhance the hotels’ reputation through customer satisfaction.
Main responsibilities
The manger must recruit, retain and supervise all staff members, set goals and executive them in the most effective manner. He/ she must manage budgets and profits. He/she must ensure that adequate customer service is provided. All maintenance issues, renovations, fittings and others must be well handled. He/she must ensure that all workers and operations conform to the health and safety …show more content…

However, the applications have not successfully streamlined the managers that are qualified for this job. In order to solve this problem as an independent consultant, I have designed a selection process which process to streamline the 30 candidates to 10 qualified candidates that would be employed for the

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