Marketing Coursework
Title: Evaluate a marketing strategy that your chosen business could adopt to gain a competitive advantages.
Name: Chow Wing Tung (Phoebe)
Tutor Name’s: James McAteer
Word Counts: 1,929 words
Submission Date: 13 March, 2015
Table of Contents:
Literature Review 2-3
Overview of Millie’s Cookies 4
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
Short define of SWOT and Strengths of the organisation 5
Weaknesses of the organisation (Diagram 1) 6-7
Opportunities of the organisation
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Besides, researching from the book ‘Principles and Practice of Marketing’, it focuses on marketing mix decisions, analysis and competition marketing strategy. This information is the major factors that might influence how a firm makes benefit from their competitors whereas establish authority and reputation (Jobber, 2007).
According to the book ‘Marketing an Introduction’, it is based on how does marketing mix – price, promotion, product, and place impacts the firms. As well, how to target market and segmentation which is reveal the firm’s market segment opportunities, especially the different needs, characteristics, or behaviours which may require separate marketing strategies or mixes. In addition, identifying what is competitive advantages which refers to build profitable relationship with target market customers, marketers must recognise customer needs better than competitors do and deliver more value while the company can position itself as providing superior value, it gains competitive advantages (Armstrong, et al., 2012). The Marketing: Critical introduction is about the marketing strategy whereas to recognise what customer needs thought how a business operate and do, as the marketing mix it is a firm which may
Marketing is the total management procedure via which a product progresses from concept to consumer to satisfy and meet the needs and wants of customers. This involves addressing a number of key matters: what the company is going to produce, how much they are going to charge, how it is going to distribute its products or services to the customer, how it is going to tell its customers about its products and services, how the selling process actually happens, who comes in contact with customers and the layout of interface in which the company and customers interact. These are collectively known as the 7P’s or the marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion, process, people and physical environment.
I have been asked to evaluate the marketing strategy for Yorktown Technologies.Specifically, what strategy they should use to become more successful by reaching their full potential and operating at an increased profit. Yorktown Technologies, in the beginning, had projected sales of $4,000,000. Unfortunately, with the absence distribution strategies and a marketing strategic plan, they only made a profit of $500,000. Expenses during the first years were $620,000 producing a loss of more than $120,000. Yorktown Technologies needed to focus on a new successful marketing strategy that will help the company reach its revenue goal.
What is marketing strategy? The process of matching the organisation’s strengths to the customer needs, with the aim of achieving a competitive advantage in the market. The combination of product, price, distribution and promotion most suited to a particular group of consumers. • Goal: the create a sustainable competitive advantage in the market • All the elements of the marketing strategy that lead to the development of the competitive advantage require good understanding of consumer behaviour Marketing strategy process: • 1. Segment: understand consumers a. Determine the dimensions (age, geography, subculture) b. Determine the heterogeneity c. Define the needs & goals 2. Target: choose consumers a. Evaluate each segment in
Our California Institute of Advanced Management consulting team (BECK Consulting) looked into many different areas to gain helpful insight and information for Song & Meng, P.C. Our BECK Consulting group focused on four key areas: online marketing strategies, offline marketing strategies (specifically
“Marketing strategies can have a broad impact on the business in terms of instilling a marketing orientation among all those in the firm: the way of thinking or philosophy of the whole organization. However, marketing strategies can alternatively be seen as dealing only with the development of competitive advantages directly associated with the marketing function such as customer loyalty and distribution channel control. In the latter case, the domain is sometimes even further restricted by sole attention to the various element of the marketing mix rather than the more general issues of customer and channel relationships. There are two key
of the understanding of marketing in regard to understanding the needs of their customers which may be seen
In general terms, marketing is all related to the places of buying and selling of goods and services to satisfy customers’ needs. Nowadays marketing is the most important issues for success of every business marketing is the activity, set of institution, and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and
In this paper about the Marketing Mix, it will explain the elements of the marketing (product, place, price, and promotion). I have enclosed a chart about the Pricing Strategies Mix. I will also be selecting an organization by the name of Target in which I am familiar with and will describe the four elements of the marketing mix and how it impacts the organizations developmental marketing strategies and tactics.
By using Marketing strategy, organizations concentrate their resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and maintain a competitive advantage in its market (Wickipedia, pg1).Market segmentation is the process companies use to divide their market into groups of buyers and establish marketing tailored to individual groups. Market targeting is the process of actually choosing the market which poses the greatest profitability. Positioning involves product placement and helps marketers highlight their product over a competitor. The
A firm's aim is to survive and grow. Marketing helps achieve this through marketing activities, for example the process of market segmentation leads to the identification of a suitable target market. This identification means firms can manipulate a series of controllable factors- price, place, promotion and product, otherwise known as the marketing mix to produce a positive response in their target market. However a firm must also take into account the marketing environment; these are factors outside the firm's control. These can influence a firm's relationship with their target market; ignoring them can have disastrous consequences.
April 26, 2011 Mr. Stanley S. Rodrick Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration Department of Marketing American International University- Bangladesh Subject: Submission of report on “Marketing Mix (4 P’s) Analysis and Competitors Evaluation: A study on Abdul Monem Ltd. Bangladesh”
The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer’s needs is the main key in marketing.
According to Blythe (2010), segmentation, targeting and positioning are fundamental to the concept of meeting customer need. This essay will outline and analyse these fundamental tools of marketing in an academic setting, in addition to, assessing how an organisation of my choice applies them in a working environment. Included in this essay, will be an academic discussion of the advantages of market segmentation, targeting and positioning drawing upon views of various scholars. Furthermore, I will provide a profile of my chosen organisation as well as an assessment of their market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies. The essay will finish with a summary of the main points and will draw conclusions based on the evidence which has been presented.
Marketing takes strategy, a company does their homework to try to prevent failure of a product. They do the research to see which consumers may need or want their products. A firm segments its market so that it can respond to the wants of groups of potential buyers. It would be easier for the marketing department if not everyone had different wants and needs.
Marketing plays the most important role for the success of a business. In this chapter, the business’ marketing objectives are laid out together with the plans or actions that will be needed to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, this chapter includes the profile of the respondents which aided the researchers to create this part of the feasibility study.