One of the most controversial issues that exists in our school systems is whether students should be required to wear uniforms or not in school. The first time the idea of requiring public school students to wear uniforms was brought to our attention was in the 1980s by The Washington D.C. mayor, Marion Barry, due to his belief that standardized dress codes might help public school students succeed (Toppo 1). This was only the beginning of the debate regarding the idea of students being required to wear school uniforms. Over the years, the amount of schools that have decided to require students to wear uniforms has increased. Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Education have shown that one in five public schools required uniforms in 2010 which is an increase from the one in eight in the previous decade (Toppo 1). There are both pros and cons that can be found when requiring students being to wear school uniforms. When debating school uniforms, there are both good and bad points that can be presented regarding the controversial issue. School officials has discovered a numerous amount of pro’s when enforcing students to wear school uniforms. First, when you require students to wear uniforms in school, it eliminates the occurrence of students getting made fun of for not having enough money to buy stylish clothes. A prime example of this is in the article "School Life - What Is in a School Uniform? “when the author talks about how “school uniforms protect children from
Not only all private schools but also all public schools should have school uniforms. This is a highly talked about topic that should be addressed. Some high schoolers have a very low self esteem because of their clothing with school uniforms that problem can be reduced. School uniforms also make school more affordable for parents or guardians because they do not have to go clothes shopping for school. With school uniforms students focus on their school work and grades more that their clothing. School uniforms are a good decision and not only does it benefit your kids it benefits you too.
‘School is serious business so dress for success by unknown author ’What this means in term for this paper is that schools should have uniforms look the part fell the part be the part right? There are a couple of reasons why schools should have school uniforms.Such as the cost of the standard school uniforms.With that then what is the standard uniform.How does it affect the parents,and does it improve learning.
In 1994, the school district of Long Beach California was one of the first to enforce school uniforms in the grades Kindergarten through 8th, and crime rates in the district dropped 22% soon after. School attendance also improved after the uniforms were introduced. Although this one statistic shows there are positive outcomes from school uniforms, there is one question that remains: Do school uniforms help or harm the students and environment at school? The controversy among this topic is that some people believe that uniforms improve the way kids act in class, however, others believe that school uniforms make their behavior worse. Another thing that certain people don’t like about uniforms is that they are very costly. A woman in Indianapolis was interviewed and said that she has five kids that all need uniforms, and with all the costs combined she had to pay almost $700. She found it was an outrage because she has a son who was a senior at the time and she had to pay for his uniforms as well. Even though she believed that uniforms are not an advantage, other people have the belief that uniforms have a positive outcome. In fact, some people think that the students’ behavior becomes subsequently better in the classroom setting; this is proven in the Long Beach study. There is also proof that school uniforms save people lots of money. This is because parents in one
The argument I am looking to convey to the audience is that requiring high school students to wear uniforms should be overturned allowing students to wear what they want. The reasoning behind this argument is lack of proof that it lessens the chances of getting bullied, strips young adolescents of their individuality, and creates a competitive market for parents to have to in essence spend more money than save. There was the desired goal of creating the school uniform policy to put an end to bullying. However, that vision has yet to come to fruition with the reality being the policy is adding more negatives than visible positives. These aspects highlight why grade schools K-12 should cease with the requirement for students to have to wear uniforms.
The first reason why schools should not require school uniforms is because they don’t allow you to express yourself or be yourself. Students generally express themselves through their clothing and if there is school uniforms it takes that choice and creativity away. Students should be given the choice to pick what they want to wear as long as it follows the dress code regulations. A dress code should be enough, as long as students follow the dress code regulations there should be no need for uniforms. Also when a student can’t be expressive through their clothing then it can cause a decrease in their self confidence over themselves. So, school uniforms should not be required at schools, it cause students to be self conscious and takes away creativity.
New Orleans has the highest amount of schools with a school uniform policy in the US. Some schools nowadays have their kids wear school uniforms, there are some positive to this. As most kids are bullied, having them in a uniform can help them not get bullied. Even though there can be positives, there are more negatives to having kids wear school uniforms. Schools shouldn’t require their students to wear a school uniform because kids have individual tastes and different body types, it takes away their freedom to express themselves, and uniforms can be costly.
School uniforms have been a topical debate amongst educators, parents and children for quite some time now. Many folks feel that requiring uniforms in school has had a major influence and impact on the students and on the school environment as a whole. Opponents, on the other hand, think that the obligation of uniforms violates the right of freedom of expression for students and can be a financial burden on lower class families. These are some of the main points from people who are against enforcing school uniforms. So, should students truly be forced to wear uniforms to school daily? On the surface, it seems that the uniform debate should not be as hotly debated as it truly is. It’s just clothing. But, in reality the uniform controversy has spear headed a large deliberation and there has been much research done that has proven that schools that enforce uniform dress codes have improved on many levels. Uniforms have been shown to improve attendance and graduation rates, help prevent gang activity on campuses, alleviate peer pressure, and much more. Requiring school uniforms, even at a basic level is something that should be enforced in all schools. (
Public schools should not require uniforms. For example, some students express themselves through their clothes. According to, “Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students," Nancy E. Bailey states that “Teens should be able to develop self-expression and their personal identity. Instead, they might resort to unconventional piercings and tattoos... School uniforms encourage followers not leaders. The practice discourages independent thinkers. ” Students should feel that they can show their true selves and express themselves instead of being restricted. In addition kids should choose what outfit they want to wear, when they want to wear it. In “Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?”, ProCon.Org states that, “The First
The most common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to self- expression. Yes, school uniforms limit what the students have to wear, but he/she can still have their own ways of self-expression. Students can still express their style of choice by the way he/she styles their hair and what accessories they choose to wear. Their shoe choice is also a form of self-expression. Students can make the uniforms their own style without breaking
The First Amendment in the United States constitution states that everyone has entitlement to freedom of speech and his or her right to express artistic, religious, and their political viewpoints. The topic of dress code policies in schools regarding uniforms has been up for debate ever since the idea originated from England. In the beginning, the uniforms were designed for upper class and used only in private schools. In the 1800’s the United States adopted the idea of using mandatory dress code in private education, but the idea did not flourish in public schools until 1987. Disruption is used to define the use of students expressing themselves in schools without the lesson being uninterrupted. Clothing is what allows students to express themselves without making a distraction to peers. Therefore, public education benefits when there is no set uniform requirement these reasons being the emphasizing of socioeconomic divisions, promotion of conformity rather than individuality, and the use of uniforms can cause an increase in bullying.
Many pros of wearing student uniforms may include things such as they make the schools way more safer, they can be a great time saver in the morning, and lastly they can save a lot of money. Some ways uniforms can make a school more safer is by you wearing your uniform, the school will know who goes and doesn’t go to the school. Another way uniforms can be safer to schools is by, sense everyone is wearing the same thing no one can really make fun of each other, by people not making fun of each other that itself can stop school fighting and the amount of stuff that gets stolen because some things might be a lot of money, that's stuff another kid might want for themselves. Some ways uniforms can be a Time saver is by, you know what to wear the next day. According to a Twelve year old she says “i don't have to worry about what to wear in the in the morning.” You just have the clothes ready and out for the next day. Another way they are faster is by you are
As a society we value the individual choices that we are able to decide upon in our everyday life. School uniforms have a negative effect on students, due to the lack of individuality and self-image that they are able to express. Therefore passing student policies requiring school uniforms is misleading as it creates more issues than it solves. Students should feel they are different from everyone else and have to freedom to act the way they want and wear what they want. Enforcing school uniforms does not affect academic situations in any way for uniforms to be mandatory. Schools need to re-think their decision on school uniform policies for the mental and physical well-being of their students.
Should students wear school uniforms? This is a topic that has been thoroughly argued, yet to no prevail on either side. I believe school uniforms overall impact children and the education community negatively. There are many strong reasons to turn down this policy. These include how the uniforms effect the children and their learning, the sneakiness behind school administrations who utilize this system, and how the children feel about the uniforms.
Would you want to be forced to wear the same clothing every day and not able to express yourself? Uniforms don’t seem such a big deal to the society but to the kids who have to wear them it is a big deal to them. Most schools don’t have uniforms because of the first amendment for freedom of expression. School districts should think about what the kids think about the uniforms instead of forcing them to wear them.
School systems have debated for years if they should make school uniforms mandatory for all students. Some parents do not want school systems to mandate uniforms due to pressure from their children to be able to maintain their individuality through clothing, while other parents prefer uniforms to reduce spending money on name brand school clothes and to minimize associations with gangs. More school systems across the United States of America are going to uniforms from grades one through twelve where students are still impressionable by their peers. I believe public schools should require students to wear school uniforms to help parents save money in these hard economic times, to limit the number of incidents of violence in the school systems due to gangs and gang associates such as colors, and to prepare students for the job force after school where some places make it mandatory to wear uniforms to work every day.