
Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms

Decent Essays

One of the most controversial issues that exists in our school systems is whether students should be required to wear uniforms or not in school. The first time the idea of requiring public school students to wear uniforms was brought to our attention was in the 1980s by The Washington D.C. mayor, Marion Barry, due to his belief that standardized dress codes might help public school students succeed (Toppo 1). This was only the beginning of the debate regarding the idea of students being required to wear school uniforms. Over the years, the amount of schools that have decided to require students to wear uniforms has increased. Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Education have shown that one in five public schools required uniforms in 2010 which is an increase from the one in eight in the previous decade (Toppo 1). There are both pros and cons that can be found when requiring students being to wear school uniforms. When debating school uniforms, there are both good and bad points that can be presented regarding the controversial issue. School officials has discovered a numerous amount of pro’s when enforcing students to wear school uniforms. First, when you require students to wear uniforms in school, it eliminates the occurrence of students getting made fun of for not having enough money to buy stylish clothes. A prime example of this is in the article "School Life - What Is in a School Uniform? “when the author talks about how “school uniforms protect children from

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