EBK VISUAL ESSENTIALS OF ANATOMY & PHYS - 1st Edition - by Nath - ISBN 8220100577284

1st Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 8220100577284


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Chapter 3.1 - An Introduction To CellsChapter 3.2 - How Substances Enter And Leave The CellChapter 3.3 - TissuesChapter 4 - The Integumentary SystemChapter 4.1 - Functional Anatomy Of The SkinChapter 4.2 - Accessory Organs Of The SkinChapter 5 - The Skeletal SystemChapter 5.1 - An Introduction To The Bones Of The Skeletal SystemChapter 5.2 - The SkeletonChapter 5.3 - Joint Structure And MovementChapter 6 - The Muscular SystemChapter 6.1 - Functional Anatomy Of Skeletal Muscle TissueChapter 6.2 - Functional Properties Of Skeletal Muscle TissueChapter 6.3 - Functional Organization Of The Muscular SystemChapter 7 - The Central Nervous SystemChapter 7.1 - Neurons And NeurogliaChapter 7.2 - The Functional Anatomy Of The Central Nervous SystemChapter 8 - The Peripheral And Autonomic Nervous SystemsChapter 8.1 - The Peripheral Nervous SystemChapter 8.2 - The Autonomic Nervous SystemChapter 9 - The SensesChapter 9.1 - The General SensesChapter 9.2 - The Special SensesChapter 10 - The Endocrine SystemChapter 10.1 - Hormones And Intercellular CommunicationChapter 10.2 - Endocrine OrgansChapter 11 - Blood And Blood VesselsChapter 11.1 - BloodChapter 11.2 - The Functional Anatomy Of Blood VesselsChapter 12 - The Heart And Cardiovascular FunctionChapter 12.1 - The Structure Of The HeartChapter 12.2 - The Cardiac CycleChapter 12.3 - The Coordination Of Cardiac Output And Peripheral Blood FlowChapter 13 - The Lymphatic System And ImmunityChapter 13.1 - Anatomy Of The Lymphatic SystemChapter 13.2 - Nonspecifi C ImmunityChapter 13.3 - Specifi C ImmunityChapter 14 - The Respiratory SystemChapter 14.1 - Functional Anatomy Of The Respiratory SystemChapter 14.2 - Respiratory PhysiologyChapter 15 - The Digestive SystemChapter 15.1 - General Organization Of The Digestive SystemChapter 15.2 - The Digestive TractChapter 15.3 - Accessory Digestive OrgansChapter 16 - Metabolism And EnergeticsChapter 16.1 - An Introduction To Cellular MetabolismChapter 16.2 - The Digestion And Metabolism Of NutrientsChapter 16.3 - Metabolism And Energy UseChapter 17 - The Urinary System And Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-base BalanceChapter 17.1 - Anatomy Of The Urinary SystemChapter 17.2 - Overview Of Renal PhysiologyChapter 17.3 - Urine Storage And EliminationChapter 17.4 - Fluid And Electrolyte BalanceChapter 17.5 - Acid-base BalanceChapter 18 - The Reproductive SystemChapter 18.1 - The Male Reproductive SystemChapter 18.2 - The Female Reproductive SystemChapter 19 - Development And InheritanceChapter 19.1 - An Overview Of DevelopmentChapter 19.2 - Genetics And Inheritance

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