Sample Exam Questions (1)



York University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by DrRoseOryx36

Sample Exam Questions & Answers 1. The “fingerprint”IR spectrum can be seen using a A. Scanning electron microscope B. Microspectrophotometer C. Polarizing microscope D. Stereoscopic microscope E. None of the above 2. The inheritable traits that are controlled by DNA arise out of its ability to direct the production of complex molecules called ------------ from smaller units called --------------. A. Chromosomes, genes, B. Lipids, triglycerides C. Proteins, nucleic acids D. Proteins, amino acids E. None of the above 3. Which of th following statements is false? A. RFLP and STR segments are both tandem repeats B. RFLP strands are more likely to decompose as compared to STRs. C. RFLP strands are too long to be amplified by PCR D. RFLP DNA strands are much shorter in length than STRs. E. STRs can be detected at levels that are more than 50 times more sensitive than RFLPs 4. Short tandem repeats normally consist of repeating sequences of approximately how many bases? A. one to three B. three to seven C. ten to thirteen D. fourteen to seventeen E. None of the above 5. The utility of Y-STRs in the forensic sciences is that: A. replication of the DNA takes less than one hour B. it is shorter by six bases on the Y than the X chromosome C. the frequency of occurrence in the general population is very small D. it originates only from a male donor of DNA E. it originates only from a female donor of DNA In most reactions, a rise in temperature of ---------- doubles or triples the reaction rate. 6. A. 10 0 C B. 18 0 C C. 30 0 C D. 23 0 F E. 15 0 F 7. The discovery that impressions on the insoles of footwear are quite distinct has been credited to: A. RCMP Sergeant Robert Kennedy B. Dutch Police officer Cornelius van der Lugt C. Forensic consultant Brian Dalrymple D. Peter Brech of the RCMP E. Juan Vucetich
8. The most common ridge pattern is the: A. arch. B. whorl. C. tented arch. D. accidental whorl E. loop. 9. The oldest chemical method to visualize latent print is: A) laser illumination B) iodine fuming C) cyanoacrylate ester fuming D) silver nitrate reagent E) luminol 10. The cortex of hair derives its major forensic importance from the fact that it contains: A. scales B. pigments C. medullae D. DNA E none of the above II ) Explain the following briefly indicating their role in Crime Science or in the context you learned about it in class. A) Electrophoresis ( 3marks) B) Diatoms ( 3 marks) C) What is a microspectrophotometer? What advantage does it have over the spectrophotometer for analyzing physical evidence? ( 2 marks) D) What are the three fundamental principles of fingerprints ? ( 3 marks)
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