
Why Is Communication Important For Health Care?

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What is communication?
Communication is method of sharing information such as non-verbal & verbal communication

Why is communication so important in health care?
Communication is important because it allows service user and carers to see if the service user is distressed, hot/cold or needs you can assess their needs to make a care plan. If the carer is absent or away the person who stands in knows what to do easily.

Verbal communication

Why is verbal communication important to health care?
We use verbal communication to inform the service user, whether it is to inform others of our needs or to impart knowledge. Clarification is a key component of verbal communication. Often, we do not articulate ourselves clearly, or our words …show more content…

Tone is the pace that you speak to the person if you speak to them calmly and quietly with an encouraging tone the other person will think you are being friendly and kind. If you speak loudly and aggressively you will come across as frightening. In a care home you will need to have a calm tone but if someone has an hearing aid you may need to rise your voice so they can hear you.

This is very important when working with children because they often hear words the same. You should avoid using because children will not understand what you are saying. Sometimes you will need to clarify what the child is saying. In a care home you will need to talk slowly but have pauses in-between words so that can hear it and understand it.

This is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes by understanding their emotions e.g. to see things from their point of view. For example if a child cries when his mum leaves them at the nursery it is important to comfort them. In a care home you will need to be calm and patient because the elderly person may struggle to hear you so you must stay calm and patient. Hearing Aids
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. It makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate, and participate more fully in daily activities. A hearing aid can help people hear

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